Gs35b amplifier Cathode- Oxide coated Heater voltage - 12,6V. 00. The output network is a Pi-L to suppress the second harmonic and a T-network is used for the input. HOME MADE LINEAR AMPLIFIER WITH 3 GS35B. This is driving the tube to its limits. I recently got the opportunity to put together this desk top amplifier using the GS-35B triode. View In March 2013 I start to build a big linear with linear with the Russian GS35B triode tube. - An air-cooled socket is made from a circular sheet of aluminum with air holes. Sep. 5/5 ++ Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. Tuning was OK. ha1ya. 26. 1998 Preliminary English Version added 13. Pohledem do katalogového listu elektronky GS35B zjistíme, že výrobcem GS35b 144 Mhz Aplifier. Page 1 OPERATING MANUAL ME1500-FD 4/6m LINEAR AMPLIFIER GS35B LED BARGRAPH VERSION Mechanics & Electronics Inc. The unit uses a 2. 95A. if you put good external air blower fan the tube will work for years. 90W drive delivers about 1500W output. Click here for my home brew 50mhz GI7b amplifier. I am just in the finishing stages of this amplifier today so I will start RF testing next week 73. Despite inventing the first triode, which acted as an amplifier and changed the face of the broadcasting industry, Lee de Forest faced many setbacks. 500 to 800 key and 2. THE NEW COLOSSAL 10K -- We are now accepting orders on this vertical. Radio parts used in the RF deck of the Amplifier (Fig. Hello. 5 kW Grid Dissipation - 26 W Feb 28, 2024 · New power amplifiers for 2 m band with GS31B (with PTFE or Door Knob) 30. 5 kW Grid Dissipation - 26 W GS35B Low cost Russian Military tube. 5KW ++ output power at 50MHz. 5KW、1000MHz迄使用出来るモノで金額的にも 20. New power amplifiers for 2m and 70 cm band with GS35B tube. THIS IS A TRUE 5/8 WAVE FREQ RANGE --- 26 TO 30 MHZ TUNABLE POWER 5KW CARRIER 10KW SSB BANDWIDTH --- 500KHZ WEIGHT --- 20LBS HEIGHT --- 21. 0: GS35b (2) 16: 100W Linear Amp using Four 807's: Schematic is a little, um, schematic: 100-300 Watts: 25. hu www. We accept payments by: GS-35b (ГС-35Б) is a powerful generator triode, applicability to gain power in circuits with a frequency of 1000 MHz, as Feb 18, 2025 · 50 MHz GS35B 1500 Watt Amplifier 50 MHz 1500 Watt Russian GS35B amplifier. Printed Circuit Boards. It´s a modified DJ5RE Design. H-9700 e-mail:ha1ya@chello. Has been copied often. Push pull 2m amplifier This shows an GS35B Low cost Russian Military tube. 00 (plus actual shipping) Description: Custom made socket for the Russian GS-35B triode tube. Jsou na něj kladeny vysoké nároky. NET only Full view: A presentation of this amplifier and the 70cm twin was hold on the 1998 Weinheim meeting. This amplifier was designed to run 24/7 key down for heavy contesting and high duty cycle WSJT modes. Please note: This unit is not the current Linear Amp UK amplifier available from Paul G4KTZ. u. 5KW anode dissipation. because we love Repeat customers {{{{ Call for pricing and availability }}}} GS35B DT GS35B DT 120 volt base 2. Silver Plated Pi-L output network. Considering it’s low price, and availability I put some effort, in the development of a powerfull, and compact amplifier with the GS35b, for 1. The enclosure is a standard 19-inch wide rack panel size. Go Fullscreen Mar 17, 2022 · This 144MHz power amplifier is based on the ideas, schematics and mechanical drawings earlier presented by DG2KBC. Výstupní napětí požadujeme okolo 3500V při trvalém proudu cca 0,9A. Intermodulation distortion of the 3rd order - minus 32 dB Anode Dissipation - 2. HF-VHF-UHF POWER COAXIAL TRIODE. This amplifier offers nothing in the way of original design features but draws on the experiences of others. Compared with an 3CX1500 / 8877 this tube is rather cheap and performing quite well. Call us today: +44 (0) 1588 620126. Then I have constructed amplifier with 2 gu84b that only needs 70 Wizard Built Licensed Technician's. Oct 24, 2013 · Abstract: The Russian VHF triode GS35b is specified to operate up to 1000MHz with 1. 01. hu Sep 9, 2007 · 144MHz and 432MHz GS35b Amplifier: Based on W6PO 144 MHz amp. This amplifier is similar to the rest of them, this page is a quick overview of my project. Pre-Owned. Considering it's low price and A 144 MHz Amplifier with a GS35b This version is to be published only by the autor Page 1 of 38 A 144 MHz Amplifier with a GS35b Addendum: A 432MHz GS35b Amplifier Günter Köllner, DL4MEA Am Rain 24 D-85256 Vierkirchen Email: dl4mea@yahoo. The Russian VHF triode GS35b, is rated to operate up to 1000MHz, with 1. 144-MHz 1500W 8877 Power Amp by KL7UW This page describes the construction of a 1500-watt 2m amplifier using an 8877. Jan 18, 2003 · Title: GS35B Author: Electronintorg Subject: JA-2003-01-17 Created Date: 12/12/2002 10:25:23 PM The Linear Amp UK Discovery 6 utilises a single Russian GS35 triode and will produce up to 1500 Watts output with 100W of drive. First licenced in 1978, my primary interest in ham radio has always been home brewing and 160 meters. But environmentally sustainable. 43. This amp’s blower is just too noisy to use near any operating position for phone, however the cooling is excellent for RTTY. 5kW anode dissipation but the tube geometry makes the construction of a compact, stripline amplifier very difficult. It uses the low cost GS35B Russian power triode in a grounded grid or cathode driven configuration and requires This "Home Brewed" Amplifier uses a single Russian GS-35B Power Tube and has an output power of 1. AutoCAD files in DXF format for all Low Noise Amp. Same way with the input, will use an "L-network" (frequency resonant coil with a variable cap in shunt with the cathode of the tube). $9. Back to Power amplifiers Next amplifier Last modified 2024-06-04 Amplitec UG:2-100/1500-CD SPECIFICATIONS. 50 diameter ferrite rod. 50 mhz 1500 watt russian gs35b amplifier well documented complete construction details pictures schematics and more . which had no tuned input. The front panel is made of aluminum and like most aluminum parts in this project has been bead blasted to give a smooth satin finish. I was finish in December 2013. 0 kW can be expected on 144MHz in a grounded grid amplifier! CHARACTERISTICS:. With 4kV on plate >3. I used the cabinet of the first homemade amplifier with a single GU74b . 98 Picture 1: Gesamtansicht / Overall View GS35B Tube conversion on a DJ5RE Design. sspa 23 cm 200w- blf6g15ls-250: pa 6 m gs35 b: vhf pa 6 m 2x gi7b: vhf pa gs35b - yu1aw design: sspa 2m 1 kw mrfe6vp61k25: sspa 432 mhz 500w: spa 144 mhz 1 kw Jul 2, 2019 · Name: GS35b: Type: Triode: Cathode type: tugsten,carbidized,direct heating: HFApplication,oscillation : power amplificationr up to 1450MHz in special equipment A GS35 amp fore 432 MHz, one of many designs. 1. Sep 3, 2022 · TRIODE AMPLIFIERS BOARDS & 3U RACK. Aug 14, 2017 · This document summarizes the construction of a 6 meter amplifier capable of producing 1500 watts of power. They would also take the 3-500 as an option to give 1 KW output. In 1906, Lee de Forest invented the audione, later called the triode, an improvement on Fleming’s tube. 1000 Watts: 25. 4 Max Dimension(cm) 52x45x21,5 Weight (kg) 18 kg Relay: Koax inside Power Supply: Otside 20X45x21,5 Power Supply: Weight 32 kg If you need further information please clik on the "Further data" link below. I am use homemade amplifier who provides 1500+ output from 160m to 6m band. 1500 Watts: 25. $30. As built by Peter Rodmell, G3ZRS. 0: GS-35B: 18: 432 MHz High Mar 29, 2009 · VN Zdroj je jeden z nejdůležitějších obvodů potřebných pro PA. 5 kW Grid Dissipation - 26 W GS-35B / GS35B power triode tube $ 250. GS35B Low cost Russian Military tube. Key details include: - The box is constructed from laminated aluminum sheets with studs for components. The GS35B is an extremely rugged and reliable tube and will produce 1500 watts output with the typical 100 watt 50 Mhz transceiver. 50. 2002. de Last Update: 08. Maximum CW Anode voltage -4. This amplifier provides 1500 watts power output for the Six-meter band. The output of this amp will go above 2kW. I repaired the cooler and clean the tube. I have never lost a tube. This paper presents one solution for a stripline amplifier with the GS35b for 1. 07. Grid Dissipation - 26 W. 5KW output power at 432MHz. To date this amp is still in Contests operation. RFC2 – 0. 0: GS-35B: 18: 432 MHz High 144 MHz GS-35b amplifier; 144 MHz 2x4CX250b amplifier; 144 MHz GS-35b amplifier; 144 MHz phase shifter; SAM4 magnetometer; TOA lightning detector; RX / TX sequencer; Extended RX / TX sequencer; ERC-M Rotor Control; 70 MHz transverter; 144 Feb 6, 2019 · uhf linear amplifier with gs-31: vhf linear amplifier with gs-31: uhf super amplifier 432 with yl-1056: vhf linear amplifier 144 mhz with th328: uhf linear amplifier 432 mhz with th328. VK3ZL. On top you see the blower, left is the HV- Capacitor, down under is the flapper, in the middle is the GS 35B and right is the Dec 13, 2017 · GS-35Bで、430MHzキャビティ型研究Amp の製作です。 この玉は、ロシア製3極管です、プレート損失1. this is my 144 MHz GS35b Amplifier. This is not the location that is shown in the DJ5RE design! However the height of the output line is exactly the same as DJ5RE is giving. GS-35B ГС-35Б TUBE POWER TRIODE COOLER. All amplifiers are built in an 8 inch square box 19 inches long with 3 shelves in the box. The GS-35b triode provides continuous wave generation in external-feedback self-sustained oscillators and grounded-grid amplifiers up to 1,000 MHz. NEW, NOS and never used before! Feb 19, 2014 · HF-VHF-UHF POWER COAXIAL TRIODE. That was a big challenge. The First Amplifier made was the Explorer under the name Heatherlite. Anode Dissipation - 2. Brand New. GS35b Data . 0 kW can be expected on 144MHz in a grounded grid amplifier! Intermodulation distortion of the 3rd order - minus 32 dB. Type: Amateur VHF linear amplifier: Frequency range / band(s): 144-146 MHz (2 m) Output power: 100-1500 W: Drive power: One GS35b power triode Modifications and A gs35b and an 8877 both are rated at 1500 watts but the GS35B weighs 10 lbs while the 8877 weighs 5 lbs. In GW8IZR - 50MHz amplifier with GS35b . The first units covered 10 to 80m and gave around 800 watts from 2 x 4-400. Much power in output but is demanded much pilotage; this amplifier I have intensely used it for four months in 160, 80, 40 and 20 meters. SUPPORT GS-35b et GS-31b / GS-35b and GS-31b SOCKET. - A PI network circuit provides a Q of around 12 using inductors, 3 days ago · The GS31b Amplifier was the second project. Nov 22, 2018 · AMPLIFICATORE LINEARE CON 3 GS35B HOME MADELINEAR AMPLIFIER 3 GS35B. Listed under the Technical Reference/Amplifiers/VHF Amplifiers category that is about Amateur linear amplifiers. Gs35b is a Russian Power triode available on various radio markets all over Europe for an acceptable price. Mar 26, 1998 · A 144MHz and 432MHz GS35b High Power Amplifier (C) DL4MEA 03/1998 26. Go Fullscreen Nov 12, 2015 · GS35B Amplifier Front View. FOR HF AMPs: OUTPUT PI NETWORK DESIGN (français/english/spanish) SEQUENCEUR EMISSION / RECEPTION (en Francais / in French) VHF/UHF CAVITY DESIGN & INPUT CIRCUITS DESIGN (français & english) TETRODE . GS-35B / GS35B power triode tube $ 250. It's not really a big issue, put in a long tank coil and tap it where it's resonant for the different bands. 10. 5 KW. incorporate state-of-the-art technology and equipment for you in building your amp. The GS-35a version of this tube which is intended for water cooling, which adds 500W to the allowable anode dissipation. The dimensions of the box are 32 New GEMINI amplifier ORDERS are currently JUNE 2025 shipment. I have taken some photos of Oct 24, 2011 · page 1 of 1. Back to Power amplifiers Next amplifier Last modified 2024-06-02 Amplitec UG:HF-100/1500 SPECIFICATIONS. 16. There was 900W output with some 60W or so input. 5 mm dia enameled Cu wire on 30 mm OD ceramic form, 70 mm The Linear Amp UK GS35B 6m amplifier. Type: Amateur HF linear amplifier: Frequency range / band(s): 10-160 m + WARC: Output power: 80-1500 W: Drive power: 1-100 W: One GS35b power triode Modifications and fixes: Reviews: Feb 19, 2014 · HF-VHF-UHF POWER COAXIAL TRIODE. At 40 volts of bias, the idling current is 180 ma. Jul. 2kVA toroidal transformer with a high power GS35B Low cost Russian Military tube. 000円以下と、格安です。 3極管ですので、暴れることも少な A Brief History of Linear Amp. The The Russian VHF triode GS35b is specified to operate up to 1000MHz rated 1. Last weekend I changed to GS35b and no tuning possible at all. 1999 PDFs moved to QSL. This design is well proven and simple to copy. The zeners Apr 12, 2013 · BTW once the amplifier top cover is in placed the fan noise is very minimal. It is easy to build a grounded grid amplifier using this tube since it can be mounted directly to the chassis Oct 29, 2017 · The GS35B is rated to 1000 MHz and its anode dissipation rating is 1500 watts. 5kW anode dissipation. I build this one also and until recent I used the GS31b in it. Home; About; Delivery; Contact; Show prices in: Linear Amp Amplifiers. With the right power supply, this tube will deliver 1500W PEP on 432MHz. Linear Amp was started by Peter Rodmell G3ZRS under the name of Heatherlite just over 30 years ago. Sponsored. Save up to 8% when you buy more. It shows the basic steps that This is super powerful amplifier build on GS-35b tube which characteristics are: Intermodulation distortion of the 3rd order -minus 32 dB. Considerations. 03. It is easy to build a grounded grid amplifier using this tube since it can be mounted directly to the chassis with clips. New power amplifiers for 6m band with GS31B and GS35B tubes. capacitor, pay attention to were the ring around the anode of the GS35b is situated. 1998 Weinheim Script added 06. In the year 2013 I started with a new amplifier. Power outpout is 1100 watts. Have a guess! I used the cabinet for an AMP with a single 4CX1000A. HF Amplifiers; VHF/UHF Amplifiers; ACOM 1000 vdc 10 Amp 10A10 diodes on tape. 04-13-2013, 08:28 PM #14. Heater current - 2. 5kW can be obtained. The GS35B is rated to 1000 MHz and its anode dissipation rating is 1500 watts. After the contest, I used some hi-temp rubber material to fashion this chimney — have been using it since. (( PLEASE Feb 14, 2024 · GS35b; Frequency: 144-146 MHz Power in: 1-100 W Power out: 100-1500 W I/O VSWR max: 1. First, no filament soft-start is necessary, as the rheostat protects the filament from excessive start-up current inrush. Drive 25 watt key and 200 watts swing Output. if driving an amp that allready has a tuned input but the tuned input on that particular amp wasn't quite flat swr, etc. GS35b 6m Amplifier Here are some pictures of my GS35b amplifier for 6 meters I built back in 2005. It covers 160 through 10 Meters. Originally designed as power triode for UHF Radar applications it has a plate dissipation of about 1500W. It is built to last and provide many years of reliable service. Search entire shop here Search. Jun 19, 2010 · Abstract: The Russian VHF triode GS35b is specified to operate up to 1000MHz with 1. The GS35b is a Russian triode that is relatively cheap and easy to get hold of. The bias is high for the GS-35B, so a pair of 20 volt, 50 watt, stud mounted zeners are used (1N3319B). 4 kw swing output. The design is not original although I I realized in 1976 a 144 MHZ amplifier with a 4CX1500b. 1, above) RFC1 – 25 bifilar turns of 2 mm dia enameled Cu wire on ferrite rod (length 150 mm, dia 8-10 mm). There are lots of web documents and pages about amateur amplifier projects. 61 delivery. Regards, Glenn VK4TZL Hi Glenn, I was just reading your message of around a year ago on the DJ5RE amplifier. com. rgb52 (4,489) 100%. 9 FEET WIND RATING --- 100MPH MAST SIZE --- UP TO 1 5/8 INCH OD RADIALS --- 4 Apr 6, 2005 · Right now, it's a single band amplifier but, in the future, if desired I will make it band switchable. Oct 19, 2011 · page 1 of 1. QTY 20 GS35B 1kv USA loc closet. Bob. The amps all have tuned nputs and if ant outa whack a Aug 17, 2020 · The filament choke is wound on a . 0: 807 (4) 17: 432 MHz Kilowatt + Amplifier with a GS35b: Very compact approach. well have not been related to driving a hb amp at the time . gs35b. 4 kw + swing. Delivery time is around 5 to 10 days. Buy It Now Review Summary For : W4ZT GS-35B Tube Socket (includes Teflon chimney) Reviews: 2 MSRP: 180. Feb 19, 2014 · HF-VHF-UHF POWER COAXIAL TRIODE. It uses the standard cathode driven grounded grid configuration. 5 kW Grid Dissipation - 26 W Oct 24, 2013 · Abstract: The Russian VHF triode GS35b is specified to operate up to 1000MHz with 1. ## I'd use the auto tuner in a pinch. 50 MHz GS35b Power Amplifiers. Maximum Instantaneous value Anode voltage-8. pcs. Hungary Draskovits Gábor HA1YA Szombathely, Kárpáti K. As a linear power amplifier, the GU-74B will produce about 600W PEP SSB and 600W CW in any of the three modes: grid-driven, grid -driven Mar 10, 2007 · Others have reported this phenomena — see www. A solid 1. Feb 28, 2021 · GS35B AMPLIFIER FOR 6-METERS. 0 kV Thank you for viewing my youtube channel. koØm. I got the tube from cheap eBay. I rest my case. . 02. Add quantity: Available quantity: last. 28. Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. Complete construction details,pictures,schematics, and more. Well documented. 0 kV. At the time, I was inspired by the realization of our friend Daniel F1DRR (SK) with some modifications. I uses this low cost GS35B Russian power triode beacuse the price is realy nice (80 euro) GS35B nide GOOD COOLING. Nobody liked to buy this tube because the cooler was a little bit deformed. We accept payments by: GS-35b (ГС-35Б) is a powerful generator triode, applicability to gain power in circuits with a frequency of 1000 MHz, as well as to generate oscillations in the RF equipment. Many radio amateurs have used this beast as a power triode in HF Utilizing GS35b triode The following pages is not a complete description of the amplifier, merely a general discussion on some of the important points on how I implemented some of the NUMEROUS ideas that are available on the net for implementing a GS35b as a 432 MHz amplifier. Although the tube geometry makes the construction of a compact, stripline amplifier very difficult. If you have questions or concerns about any of the videos or the equipment posted within them you can contact me at Though I have seen GS35b amplifiers using simply a 12. ## I never use the auto tuner at all. 5 kW. 1998 added PPF description 21. 6V center-tapped transformer for filament supply, the rheostat has a number of advantages. Please Sep 9, 2007 · 144MHz and 432MHz GS35b Amplifier: Based on W6PO 144 MHz amp. I like to show you here the steps from this project. Mar 27, 2002 · GS35B 50Mhz amplifier by G0RUZ. Opens in a new window or tab. Buy It Now +$6. ucpg anihfj grmpu geei tvma mkco gqnjej czmzdcdx gydww waqs aczfuq sskye krbwdau vfddxsz rknzom