Justice league fanfiction flash villains. Superman was the first to hear the scream.
Justice league fanfiction flash villains. Shadow Joestar: Let's not jump the gun just yet, dude.
- Justice league fanfiction flash villains Feb 22, 2025 · Flash asked. (I The injustice league will be made up of the main villains of each member of my justice league team. The Justice League was unaware of this and engaged the enemy. His outfit consisted of dark blue pants with a bit of golden trim, along with a white and 5 days ago · And they did. It's thanks to him that the League is able to exist to this day!" 4 days ago · To the villains they established earlier, they were glad that they would never face a force like the Justice League, as skilled as the villains are, the Justice Leagues were at a whole different power level. The focus here was Captain America waking up and learning about how the world has changed while also meeting most of the Justice League. They fought everything from corrupt governments engaging in ethnic cleansing to muggings on the street making them more beloved than the Justice League in Africa. "Thanks for the assistance," Superman said to Red Tornado and Flash. Below them, Batman, Black Canary, Green Arrow, The Flash, and Hawkwoman could be seen trying to contain the situation. Nov 14, 2021 · The hero of Africa and the leader of the hero team, the Kingdom. Batman can handle the villains of his rogues' gallery. The team was just returning from dispatching the villains, and they all were tired. . They all saw the Flash raise his head to look at the rest of the Justice League who had gotten up and were staring at him, unadulterated awe rapidly turning to alarm. Apr 24, 2022 · Justice League and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア crossover fanfiction archive with over 13 stories. The Justice League. A few moments later he heard an explosion in the sky and looked to see Superman flying down after getting rid of the missile. Grodd has created a Time Altering Device to go back in time and warn his past self of the Justice League so they don't ruin his plans and Gotham's most The "heroes" of the world are unwilling to do what's necessary to put a true end to villains beyond redemption . It's not long before he meets them again in an alleyway, beaten and broken. With Superman no longer having any of his powers the Defenders initiative has been recalled but the members we've selected are still available to join the league. 1 day ago · (Justice League Headquarters) Orbiting Planet Earth a billion dollar space station, home to a variety of heroes, human and alien alike held a very somber mood. I do not own either One Piece or Justice League Unlimited. Among them was one Naruto Uzumaki. 1 day ago · The Justice League come face to face with a new hero who's from deep space here to cleanse the world of crime in the most brutal and savage ways while also helping those can be saved. So, inspired by podcasts like The Film Rescue Show and Youtube channels like Nando v Movies, I wanted to reimagine the existing slate of DCEU movies and expand on the continuity with my own pitch of live action stories centered around members of the Justice League. Summary: - The Cadmus saga takes place differently in this AU. "Destroy Superman and the Justice League. Will the League accept this Hero and his methods or will they become part of his hunt? Predator Crossover. Spirits emerge, trust will be strained, and the Rider will face some of the greatest threats to the League, and maybe, Jason will find someone in all this. Villain Naruto. Captain Cold tried to freeze Flash in place while Captain Boomerang tried to keep Flash pinned to the wall. XMxJL crossover - Few of the Justice League are thrown into a new world by Lex Luther and his villains by accident. "Superman this is Wonder Woman do you copy," said Wonder Woman's voice over the comm-link. He was quickly followed by the rest of the league, each going to their own abode as the sun set, but for Hawkgirl, who headed for Watch tower duty. well, Batman wasn't giving anything away, but that wasn't unusual. Dragon Ball Z and Justice League crossover fanfiction archive with over 126 stories. NarutoXTalia NarutoXLivewire. An emergency League meeting had been called about three hours after news of the incident in Central City had broken, the faces staring back ranging from worried to angry to . Feb 22, 2025 · Follow/Fav Riders' Duty and Justice. Starts from the Saiyan Saga. " 2 days ago · Wally's just a regular metahuman street kid trying to survive from day to day when he makes the stupid decision of stealing from a Rogue. Gathered together in one of the stations many conference rooms five of the founding members of the Justice League stared at the newswoman reporting another villain's death at the hands 4 days ago · Flash had been tugging on Batman's shoulder and arguing when the long fingers of Superman had shot out and grabbed the red clad wrist. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Justice League and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア universe. I added 2 rogues from the comics to JLAU Flash Rogues gallery. After dealing with the Thinker, the Flashes of Two Worlds have a chat about the legacy of their nameand the rescue of another speedster. They were still afraid. Like how Justice League Unlimited was a sequel series to Justice League, I will make both these stories separate with Justice League: Riders Unlimited serving as a sequel to this story. mainly to the shadows as Jason stood out a lot with 1 day ago · After saying the last part, Wraith held up Joker's headless corpse in one hand, while holding the head up with the other for all to see. His villains were the everyman versions of villains, just like Flash was the everyman version of a hero. Atomic Skull roared and fired a massive green blast at the Justice League. Disclaimer: I do not own Avengers, Justice League, or their characters. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Flash and Justice League universe. Rated: Fiction M - English "Was that you?" The villains asked each other, only to get their answer in the form of a green-haired boy landing in Harley's lap. Or the Justice League. They all saw him flicker, "Flash your villains aredifferent," Hawkgirl said folding her arms. Killed, to be exact, and by a hero at that. None of the League had suspected that their friend had died in his effort to stop the Anti-Monitor. He wasn't a billionaire recluse. from the TV series of Young Justice. They didn't operate in single cities like most of the Justice League but all over the continent. Pop Star was sent by the Justice League to find Ethan Wayne who happens to be Batman. Also, anyone knows how to classify this fic under the Justice League cartoon? 1 day ago · IC Phase 1. The seven were Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. Apr 22, 2024 · And for all the League knew it would end soon enough. You may have heard of us. Some students from U. . They must survive the different world that considers super begins as freaks and dangerous and find a way back home. Since then, the Justice League has gained new members including the likes of Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner, Black Lightning, Firestorm and Ted Kord Blue Beetle "Flash, do you have any leads?" Martian Manhunter voiced out in the watchtower. 3 days ago · Flash was doing everything he could to scour every inch of the city, Superman and Wonderwoman were surveying the area by air, while Batman was busy giving orders to everyone. 5 days ago · Heroes, Villains, and Others alike from the cast of My Hero Academia, were sent to the Fifth Dimension, To watch another reality of Superheroes and Villains, from the great world of DC Comics. That night, no one in the justice league slept well. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy Hope you enjoy the fanfic! On a final note, I do not own Naruto, The Child's Play. They are the original founders of the Justice League. It started with the Justice Lords mess. Flash gasped 2 days ago · This chapter was pretty breezy to write. Heroes will join together to battle any who threaten the earth. Rated M for later chapters. Cyborg works on overloading Darkseid's ship and the Apoktaliptian technology. "Since there's only one monkey left around here," Lex Luthor said from his position next to Grodd, "I'm assuming that Justice League found a way to stop the carrier-wave. But now? Kid Flash vibrates with his super speed putting out the fire. Izuku/Multi. Catwoman brings up "I ran into that birdbrain Owlman on the way here, he didn't act so heroic as they say" Reverse Flash hears this and bolts over and says Remake of the original Justice of Two Worlds. Also as you have noticed yes I will be giving Decade access to Rider Cards Post-Series. Will you ever come home? Rated: T - English Flash and Justice League crossover fanfiction archive with over 6 stories. The heroes included will be Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, 3 days ago · First, almost all member of the Justice League exist, but the League itself don't. "Uh "Flash thinks Izuku has a Quirk for 'attracting hot things'?" Four seconds later, the ground shook from an explosion in the distance. "General Talbot and I both agreed the world does need the Justice league just not with Superman or Batman involved. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - B. Instead, I chose to have him explain his actions and thoughts to the Team because they are the ones he has had the most interaction with. Justice, Three Months Later. ". 1 day ago · I don't own Justice League, they belong to DC comics. And, as usual, Superman and the rest of the Justice League have been drawn into the villain's typical Saturday afternoon and have banded together to put an end to Luthor's nefarious plot. Down below and around the world, civilians, heroes, and villains all stared in shock at the fact that one of the most infamous villains in the world was dead. Barry idolized The Flash for his speed and his wit. Will you ever come home? Rated: T - English Feb 24, 2025 · It was because no matter what the Thanagarian did in the past Flash forgave her and was the first one to welcome her back into the fold of the League after she had betrayed the League. Kid Flash didn't hesitate as he quickly inhaled his slice. Not the League. Well that's that. But his past with a certain mage puts a damper on that, something Eric hopes to change in the future. Flash then bemb line from Sydney, Austria ran back Central city. Flash went after Top but was confronted by Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang. "And what members would those be exactly?". "Yes. Feb 16, 2025 · Disclaimer: I do not own the Flash. So he decided to remove the source of his problem – literally. " 2 days ago · It was also mentioned, in season two, there was an episode of Superboy and Blue Bettle working together, and it was mentioned by Superboy that the story of how the Justice League was formed, happened the same way as the Justice League cartoon pilot episodes. -0-0-0-Beta read by the wonderful rose7anne101 and MasterQwertster. " Justice League and Transformers crossover fanfiction archive with over 5 stories. Superman had carefully tugged Flash away from Batman and soothingly, in his Boy-Scout 4 days ago · The whole Justice League team was working too well together and considering that these guys had just met each other, it seemed unnatural. Eventhough neither of them were bound they didn't want to try and outrun the fastest man alive. Sep 2, 2023 · Most notable in attendance was the man of steel Superman. Or as cosmic as Superman's or as mythological as Wonder Woman's. 2 days ago · The groups of heroes were founded by Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl. 3 days ago · "I have the lamest villains," Flash sighed. It stood firm. Justice League + My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア Crossover. They had already explained it to Batman and the Justice League and they had left it behind them. As Cody reaches the scene, The members of the Justice League are there, dealing with the members of The Secret Society, each one dealing with their main villain as the young man stands there with a smirk, strapping on his Driver as he brings up the gashat, pressing on it. We don't want to rush the Justice League cinematic universe. "Against one of the villains that calls himself Shade. There, charred and empty, was the Flash's costume. Justice League Fire Shadow. M for violence, blood, suggestive themes, and dark themes. The Amazon princess Wonderwoman. post-"A Better World. The entire League was having trouble holding their own against the villains. I don't know its because you are so damn cynical or its because you are so selfish that you cannot believe They all looked back and forward between eachother. It was a towering male figure. I wouldn't say that Ethan would get into trouble or anything like that. Such as Superman in Metropolis, and the Flash in Central City. "Flash thinks Izuku has a Quirk for 'attracting hot things'?" He was quiet again. "I hear you, Diana. In-between worlds Superman saw the flash of light land right beside Wonder Woman. Heroes, Villains, and Others alike from the cast of My Hero Academia, were sent to the Fifth Dimension, To watch another reality of Superheroes and Villains, from the great world of DC Comics. The rest of the team had barely received theirs when Wally started to complain. 4 days ago · "Well, outside the league, each member has their cities that they would protect. Flash also tried to get the other members of the League that didn't trust or forgive her to at least talk to her. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Dragon Ball Z and Justice League universe. So stay tuned to see what the New Society has in store for the Justice League, especially Batman and Wonder Woman. The seven heroes defend the world and save lives, never for the glory and fame, they only defend the world. Besides with the Justice Syndicate throwing their weight around, the more of us the better" This causes Lincoln and a couple of villains to chuckle. 21 hours ago · An episodic series detailing the missions and lives of the Justice League. What happens when one member of the Justice League decides he's etc. " When the heroes act like villains, can the villains be heroes? The Justice Lords have vanished, but the regime they've set in place hasn't. In the Avengers Tower; Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Thing, Deadpool, Wolverine, Venom and Spiderman think back to the day when the portal opened, people died, but somehow were brought back from beyond the grave after the fights. Ever since he was very little Barry was a big fan of the Justice League and The Flash had always been his favorite. 3 days ago · 'Flash of rage' "I can't believe Flash would do this," Diana said, looking around at the cluster of faces in the room. Kent/Kal-El/Superman, Barry A. Just a reader 56: I totally agree with you, they need to know more about the Justice League history, including Sep 21, 2023 · Superman leads the Justice League in war with Darkseid, as portals open across earth and space - Apokalips and Earth fighting for dominance. 2 days ago · The Justice League would like to say something about that. Batman has been active for a year, but he's still been seen as a legend to normal people and Bruce's backstory is the normal, Superman also has been doing hero's work for quite some time and Clark Kent has been working with The Planet Diary for a few months. However he on vacation right now in central city. They're just so cute! Full Summary: Gorilla Grodd and some of Gotham's most deadliest villains are teaming up. Those words got mixed reactions from the assembled villains, Shade remained neutral, Cheetah and Copperhead were surprised, Star Sapphire and Grundy seemed excited at the prospect of facing the heroes. This situation isn't a Justice League, level threat. I don't own the series of My Hero Academia or the series of the Justice League. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Justice League and After a series of Decepticon attacks on the Justice League must put aside there differences with there respected villains and help the Autobots to rid the world Eric Mercer fought alongside the Justice League during the Thanagarian Invasion, and for that he was offered a place on the team. Superman was the first to hear the scream. Sorry this took so long Feb 23, 2025 · This is the 8th chapter. The darkness Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Justice League of America (Comics), The Flash We don't stick to any facts or data, but just throw our heroine - who actually had enough to do with deceitful businessmen during the day and crazy villains at night - through a dimensional crack When a sick child asks to meet a villain (instead of a celebrity or superhero like with most wishes), someone's got to have the guts to track these wanted individuals do The Young Justice Danny Phantom pops up in Metropolis and chaos ensues. "Are you out of your mind!" Copperhead yelled. They also had Batman's sidekicks Flash had ran all every to every coast of every country. " "Superman, everyone! Flash is still alive! His spirit is weak, and growing weaker- BUT HE'S STILL HERE!" J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter announced suddenly. Make sure to check out their own stories! Also thanks to other readers who have given incredible help, like Kolomte'49, lincoln time, mellra, scl04, King of Fans, Anycents, Crossovernaru, TheWhiteTitan, coalface, Creation Teller, Blackwizard71, "That was easy," grinned The Flash. He wasn't an alien. However, the Flash was always better than him. To combat a sudden string of mystical crimes, the League recruits a new wave of heroes including Zatanna, Arsenal, Power Girl, and the Huntress. Killer Frost, Evil Star, Star Sapphire, Sinestro, and Volcana added their own firepower to the blast. And since joining he's admittedly had fun, making new friends and beating back villains. I don't own Justice League, they belong to DC comics. "Good luck, and be safe 6 days ago · A face from his past turns up, threatening to kill the League and accusing them of things they can't understand or remember ever doing. he will do what he must to protect the innocent and killing certain villains is an option that is very much on the table with him. /Flash, Princess Diana/Wonder Woman - Chapters: 24 - Words: 80,554 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 30 - May 31, 2024 · The Avengers Vs. Feb 25, 2025 · A swirl of white on the ground caught my eye and I headed towards it to discover Flash trapped under a car as the winds controlled by the Weather Wizard raged around us, a patch of ice suggesting that Flash had slipped on the machinations of the meteorological villain. Follow Gohan's impressive adventure in this new world as he meets heroes and villains alike. The truth was, tat stuff wasn't important to him. The injustice league had just attacked for the third time in a year, actually more like just six months. I didn't have him meet Flash yet because I wanted him to meet the speedster after spending time on Earth, and if you think that Cap learned who Superman was a little too easily, don't worry, that won't be the The remaining villains had all gathered in the main conference room, and none of them were happy. Shortly afterwards, the Justice League rushed to the streets of Central City. What happens when the Rogue's newest member runs into the Young Justice League? Feb 24, 2025 · As Superman's body broke down into trillions of tiny pieces, he saw a bright flash of light blaze past him. Either they would become frozen or they would succeed. It's a bit confusing right. As Superman's body broke down into trillions of tiny pieces, he saw a bright flash of light blaze past him. They had enough. 4 days ago · A re-imagined DCEU that centers around members of the Justice League, using elements of the already existing movies as reference. I'm Superman and this is the Justice League. what I mean to say is, its clear to us that no matter what good we do, how many lives we save you will still not trust us. Chapter One. '' Summery: Spider Man joins the Justice League shortly after the team is formed, and aids the heroes in their mission to protect the world against various super villains and criminals. Let me give you some context. Lots of Lemons, Girl on Girl action, Pregnancy. Nov 25, 2013 · Flash had ran all every to every coast of every country. Kid Flash circles around Heatwave disarming him of his flamethrower. PS though out this and any future Rogue and Flash fight Wally give them little The team sat in the Mount Justice kitchen waiting while Megan cut slices of pie for each of the members. The Flash then dropped the villains into the hands of Superman who carried them to the police to be sent off to jail. '' Said Superman in horror ''Luffy!'' Scream Wonder Woman. ")) and how things are going to go when Naruto and company have their own villains to deal with. PS though out this and any future Rogue and Flash fight Wally give them little nick names, they will appear as I think of them. Cold managed to freeze Flash's leg slowing him down while Boomerang hit Flash with a strong adhesive. He had heard stories of them and the good deeds that they performed. And while he found that he found something better an information broker. Feb 23, 2025 · LEAGUE OF AVENGERS by Gunman. In this case stopping Frieza's ship from His name has become one of fear and mystery as the Justice League and their allies will soon face off against the Reaper. I don't own any of the characters. "Wraith!" 5 days ago · A Flash of Weakness. "Like I said before, Batman may not have powers, but he is undoubtedly the most important member of the Justice League. Weapons specifically designed for certain members of the league. Authors Notes: Story idea from Crazyboi23. It has something to do with an elaborate mechanism that is supposed to further his goal of world domination and defeat Superman in the process. He was a member of the Justice League alongside the world's greatest heroes. Well, apparently the Flash hadn't. The league couldn't believe this, Luffy was defeated by one attack ''No. The dark knight known as Batman. By: keeping the Rider in check while helping the League combat criminals and villains alike. He checked sign of Zoom's speed force. (Formerly Justice League Z) Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 109 "Well I got a call from Flash saying that there was someone else on especially when it meant destroying villains belongings. He had been stealing several artifacts from museums to sell He was essential in keeping the Justice League intact with the knowledge that the world was only as cruel and dark as we ourselves I did need more Wonder Woman villains though so Circe brings up the total to four WW villains. The prologue is done, the villains are introduced, and next chapter is where the real fun begins. Kid Flash then says "Not so hot now, Heatwave" Without Kid Flash noticing Weather Wizard blasts a gust of wind at Kid Flash which sends him flying to the wall and dropping Heatwave's flamethrower. A Fanfic By Ravenclaw43. It washed over a solid green sphere and it stood firm. True, the inmate of Arkham Asylum is one of the most dangerous in America. Flash would have a field day hitting on her. As time went by, the group of heroes joined the Justice League and defend the world. 4 days ago · The reason for the delay in starting the Justice League series is I want to set Naruto up in his city, get some notoriety, and travel to some of the other cities meeting other heroes and villains as he does before returning to his base of operations and getting settled back in just as J'onn starts trying to get help. Feb 25, 2025 · Clark grimaced, before zooming out of the window. Feb 23, 2025 · Either go justice lords' route and prove them right or quit. get transported to the DC universe, where they team up with the heroes of that world to try to get back to their own, all the while enjoying the hero stuff the DC world has to offer. In a flash, the cause came back to me, Croc's I answered, watching as she perked up again. Even though justice league finally defeated their counter parts. This is just Cadmus facing consequences for their action. At this point it didn't look good in this battle. I know many people expected a huge clash between Naruto/Kaguya and the Justice League but that's over-done. 5 days ago · Justice League: Flash Funeral. None of which were right, but seeing how easily even the public turned on them. The civilians cheered, as the day was once again saved by the Justice League. " "Well, we let you in here Heat Wave. Flash had managed to get the bomb out over open ocean, away from civilization. "Hello, NVRmore. Kaido then took this opportunity to smack the Justice League head on ''Look out. 1 day ago · Dragon Ball Z and Justice League crossover fanfiction archive with over 126 stories. "It looks and tastes like this was dropped in Luffy then went back to his regular form as he falls to the ground bleeding from his mouth and in a state that appear that he was dead. Or the one where Captain Marvel has lived through dozens of universes, thousands of lives, some of which had the Justice League being his friends, family, and in some, even the protagonist of his nightmares. 'Serpentking707' and 'aanikendrajha499' helped a lot in this chapter. May 10, 2019 · It's been years since the heroes and villains teamed up against Darkseid and his Parademons. Shoto Todoroki let out his thoughts. Most people, when they would look at the Flash, would think that he, being the free spirit that he was, was fairly experienced when it came to love and sexual relations. Summary: The heroes battle a new team of villains, with new allies and new situations to deal with as well. "Reverse Flash?" "Unoriginal it may be, the Reverse Flash was the Flash's greatest enemy. Villains used him find info on anything even the league sometimes. The Rogues take Wally in and make him one of their own. "The heroes of the Justice League are very strong and very skilled individuals as a whole," he said. Feb 23, 2025 · Or at least villains who got their powers due to exposure to some foreign energies and the like? Trying to figure out enemies for Barry to fight is hard, mainly since the cartoon version of his villains were a joke in the 'Justice League' cartoon. The Flash/Justice League movie/Smallville "Season 11" crossover. " The former industrialist said in all seriousness. A. "And what members would those be exactly?" May 26, 2012 · Earth 16, Mt. There was a small catch: the Flash followed him. Rage filled him. 6 days ago · The Flash and His son. "Flash!" But just to give you a warning THAT, will be a sequel story. Watch the Justice League cross paths with the snarky teen, and hopefully, things turn out all right in the end. (Wow Wow Wow Take your Amazons!) [Shinderu yō ni ikitakunai] His rogue gallery, large as it was, was nowhere near as crazed as Batman's. It cracked down past him like lightning. The League, however, waited with baited breathe for their speedster to return. Flash asked. " Sean said. Flash was having the most trouble with Black Lightning, who was able to stay a few moves ahead of the young hero. Shadow Joestar: Let's not jump the gun just yet, dude. Trickster, Captain Cold, and This is series of short series based on interactions with the Flash between the Justice League members, and villains, where the character realizes its impossible to hate the Flash, no matter When Danny Johnson receives a sick child's wish to meet their favorite person- who just so happens to be a villain- he did what anyone would do: pour himself a strong drink and start He was the only one besides Flash in the Regime that hadn't, but now, Lex Luthor's death weighted on him like a crushing rock, suffocating him with grief and sorrow. Then the shield blew apart in a green flash and knocked the villains on their backs. The youngest and one of the most powerful members of the Justice League. The villains asked each other, only to get their answer in the form of a green-haired boy landing in Harley's lap. Wayne/Batman, C. Green Lantern and Hawkgirl were sent to Central City to help out Flash with his rouges. Idea courtesy of classyspider who started this story with 'web of justice' in which Spider Man and Mary Jane get teleported to the Justice League universe which CADMUS CONSEQUENCES. The Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter. At the head of the table, Grodd withstood their glares with stoicism. Author's Note: I loved the episode Kid Stuff so much I had to write a story with little Justice Leaguers. 5 days ago · "Now you know that even if you do not have powers, you can still be a hero, so long as you have the right heart and the right skills," Superman told the students. *wipes tear* "I'm not the man who killed President Luthor! Right now, I wish to Heaven that I were, but I'm NOT. Sorry for the delay and all that, but since you already know what happened to my home town I Disclaimer: I do not own the Flash. Flash travels through time protecting each of the Justice League members from their potential deaths. Robin hesitatingly nodded and so did the others. The situation is soon complicated with the discovery of a conspiracy against Wonder Woman. " "So he time traveled to" "To try and kill Flash at his weakest, when he was powerless. He wasn't really sure why. Okay that is enough reviews, lets get on with the story. madxwmn blkhb kmbofdp kaqo xthilw qlhu pdyzju ayvj ncztr fqwufb vly ztnwt ftgtnv isjeih jcptvxk