Makhraj and sifaat. Haroof e majhooorah 8.
Makhraj and sifaat.
How to Use the ChatGPT Prompt to Create a Quran Study.
Makhraj and sifaat Makhraj dan sifat huruf ba 3. Tajweed Course is designed for children. Makhraj: Form a circle of the lips, and then separate them to produce the sound Makhraj: Touch the lower lip to the edge of the upper teeth. When pronouncing letters from the jawf, the tongue remains relaxed at the bottom of the mouth, allowing air to flow To recite from the correct Makhraj and Sifaat. Click the card to flip 👆 SIFAAT AL HUROOF PART-1. Chapter 4: Sifaat Al-Huroof. a) Al-Shiddah ( الشدة ) – strength/force: is when the flow of sound is trapped in the makhraj; this is due to a heavy reliance on the makhraj and is applied to 8 Tajweed Sifaat al huroof, Makhraj of all 29 arabic letters, Sifaate haroof, Sifaat Lazma Mutazada: 10. Sifaat Al Lazimah “Permanent characteristics” (الصفات اللازمة) B. Learn Quran online V. MEANING OF SIFAAT. Pronunciation: These letters are pronounced when the middle part of the tongue contacts the roof of the mouth opposite to it. This applies The Main Articulation Point- The Oral Cavity. It helps in distinguishing the letters that share the same point of articulation (Makhraj). ” To recite from the correct Makhraj and Sifaat. Scholars define the word “Makhraj” as the where, the position or the point of articulation which a letter in the sound stops at or produced from. org/product-category/books/english-books/ Sifaat Ul Huroof Part 2: The Qualities Without Opposites It is caused by quickly moving away from the makhraj of the letters above. This Nov 25, 2022 · ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. 3 Light letter. Aug. There are 17 emission points (makhārij al-ḥurūf), located in various regions of: 1 – Throat 2 – Tongue 3 – Lips 4 – Nose 5 – Mouth Below shows a preview of the Makharij […] Arabic letters each have a Makhraj – an exit or articulation point - in the mouth or throat from which they originate and they also each have Sifaat – attributes, or characteristics - particular to Apr 27, 2021 · Makhaarij and Sifaat Arabic is a unique language in which each letter has a certain point of articulation (مَخْرَجْ) from where it is pronounced and cannot be pronounced from any other point of articulation; overall, this study is called Makhaarij. 4. When two letters share a lot of the same things, they can be mixed easily. Nov 18, 2022 · ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. com/101Arabic ↪ ↪ My Books: https://store. Review Questions: Review Questions Chapter 4. It is imperative that one learns and correctly pronounces the Arabic letters in order to read tajweed with precision. ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. Makhraj dan sifat huruf ha (ح) 7. It explains that Sifaat distinguish letters that share the same point of articulation (makhraj) and include categories like: Hems (whispered), Jahr (voiced), Shiddah (explosive), etc. Lesson-8a: Makhraj of ِد َد داَ Makhraj: Touch the p of the tongue to the roots of the upper teeth. org/product-category/books/english-books/ Mar 14, 2012 · Al-Jahr ( الجهر ) – audibility: of the letters which traps air flow due to heavy reliance on the makhraj; applied to all the remaining letters not included in hams. Al-Inhiraaf ( الانحراف ) – inclination: of the tongue, such that the makhraj for the two letters laam ( ل ) and raa ( ر ) is slightly inclined from the makhraj of noon ( ن ). org/product-category/books/english-books/ ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. Makhraj dan sifat huruf tsa 5. Makhraj dan sifat huruf ta 4. Makhraj dan sifat huruf kha 8. THROAT LETTERS Mar 11, 2021 · – QUALITIES OF LETTERS OR SIFAAT AL HUROOF PART -3 صفات الحروف الجزء الرابع Without Opposites Permanent Qualities الصفات اللازمة غير المتضادة 4-Inhiraaf (inclined sound) الانحراف Definition: the leaning of the tongue away from its makhraj until it nears another makhraj. Al-Bukhari) Hadits di ataslah yang menjadi motivasi terbesar kami untuk menulis ebook ringkas ini. Makhraj dan sifat huruf hamzah 2. Haroof e majhooorah 8. • The makhraj of the ر is the part of the tongue, slightly behind the ن touching the palate right above it. 1- Aljahr الجهر: Harakah, Rules, Errors, Makhraj ,Sifaat, Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. such that laam inclined towards the tip of the tongue and the letter raa inclined back towards the makhraj of the laam. C. For example, the letter “ص” (saad) has a strong, emphatic sound, while “س” (seen) has a softer, more delicate sound. Point of articulation of the sound of each letter. 2 TYPES OF RULING (HUKM) 3. patreon. Arabic letters each have a Makhraj – an exit or articulation point – in the mouth or throat from which they originate and they also each have Sifaat – attributes, or characteristics – particular to them. Tafkheem (تفخيم): Tafkheem refers to a bold, heavy sound, often described as “full-mouthed. Dec 13, 2017 · Knowing the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter is an important part of Tajweed. Scheduled maintenance: August 6, 2024 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM Mar 22, 2016 · Addeddate 2016-03-22 06:38:11 Identifier TajweedMakharijAndSifaatInMalayalamV1. ش ي ج Note on ي: This is the makhraj for the sound of ي when it has a harakah on it, or when it is saakin and preceded by a fatha. Let’s explore them in detail: 1. org/product-category/books/english-books/ Download ebook Makharijul Huruf & Sifat-Sifatnya (Edisi Revisi) format pdf Dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Al-Bukhari, Rasulullah -shallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam- pernah bersabda: “Sebaik-baik kalian adalah yang mempelajari Al-Qur’an dan yang mengajarkannya” (HR. Jun 9, 2023 · ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. For video Lesson 57a: Review: Makhraj, Sifaat, Rules Tajweed To recite the Quran nicely. Sometimes two letters have very similar exits, which makes mixing them up easy. The purpose of these characteristics is to distinguish the letters that share the same articulation points (makhaarij). The quality of ithlaaq is to pronounce in a smooth and easy manner. Every letter has its unique properties. The sifaat laazimah is further broken down into two more parts: • dhatiyyah – quality is necessary for the letter to be pronounced properly, if it is pronounced without this quality the letter will be incorrect/incomplete • mahaliyyah – quality that describes the makhraj of the letter. Apr. What letters come from the middle of the tongue? Oct 11, 2023 · Makharij is the proper articulation and the precise location of each letter’s point of pronunciation of Arabic letters. It literally means a place from which something exits. 5. that place from which the sounds of the letters are articulated. Oct 8, 2024 · Dalam Tajwid, setiap huruf Arab mempunyai Makhraj (titik artikulasi dari mana ia berasal) dan Sifaat (ciri atau sifat khusus). Learn tajweed easly - Tajweed in English - Tajweed for kids - Tajweed for beginners - Read The Quran in the c Sep 24, 2021 · The Fifth Sifah: Rakhawah Rakhawah means the continuation of the sound while pronouncing the letter causing weakness in its reliance on its makhraj. Scheduled maintenance: October 15, 2024 from 05:45 PM to 07:45 PM hello quizlet Oct 8, 2024 · Perfection in pronunciation cannot be obtained unless both the sifah (characteristic/quality) and makhraj are correct. Let’s explore the primary makharij: 1. Makhraj dan sifat huruf dal 9. While several letters may share the same exit point, their unique characteristics set them apart during pronunciation. Understanding what is Makhraj in Tajweed and Sifaat of each letter is crucial, as some letters have very similar articulation points, making it easy to confuse them. Makhraj dan sifat huruf ro 11. Definition: The side of the tongue has two specific points of articulation. 4) At-takreer التَّكْرِير – It literally means to repeat something. Each category is defined and the applicable letters are identified. The characteristics of Raa (known as Sifaat) are the qualities or attributes that define how the letter should sound. Feb 10, 2024 · Letters from this makhraj: ش (Shin), ج (Jim), and ي (Ya). Jan 6, 2023 · ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. Approach: General sessions- Explanation of theoretical material Practicing session We have our own special technics to teach students Makhraj and sifat in a very simple way. Common mistakes: Don’t say it as va!! Makhraj: Touch the p of the tongue to the edge of the upper teeth and blow with a light sound. org/product-category/books/english-books/ Jul 31, 2024 · 2- The Particular Makhraj: It is the ‘particular Makhraj’, which is the own, specific articulation-existence of each letter. com/fileadmin/user_upload/courses/tajweed/english/Tajweed_English_Ful Sifaat are necessary because-Sifaat are what differentiate letters that share the same makhraj-Knowledge of the Sifaat allows us to pronounce a letter with perfection and precision, rather than making approximate sounds. com/fileadmin/user_upload/courses/tajweed/urdu/Tajweed_Urdu_Full_Pac Apr 29, 2019 · Sifaat refers to the characteristic(s) of the letter. Jun 3, 2024 · Definition: the speed of which the letters are pronounced because of the ease of the makhraj. Sifaat are grouped into two main groups: Sifaat with opposites and Sifaat without opposites. In this video we Feb 2, 2012 · The nasal passage is the 17th and last makhraj to be studied. 2) Jahr – Stoppage of the breath upon the pronunciation of the letter with a sukūn. Tajweed:https://download. After that, he talks about principle and number of Makharij. 09. 2 No sound flow. 3. Each Arabic letter has a Makhraj (exit or intonation point) in the mouth or throat from which it originates, as well as Sifaat (qualities or features) that are unique to it. Examples are Understanding Sifaat Al-Huroof. Nov 22, 2024 · Learn Makhraj and Sifaat: Understand the origin and characteristics of Quranic letters. 0 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t4wh6z42r Ocr Sep 13, 2021 · Each Arabic letter has a Makhraj (an exit or articulation point from which it originates) and Sifaat (attributes or characteristics). In this paper, Sifaat evaluation system was developed, focusing on Sifaat with opposites for How to Use the ChatGPT Prompt to Create a Quran Study. Another explanation of this sifah states: it’s the inclination of the letter after it emerges from it’s makhraj towards another makhraj. Makhraj dan sifat huruf dzal 10. Raa has specific sifaat that make it distinct from other letters: 1. Jun 26, 2024 · What is the makhraj of the ك? the back of the tongue, touching the area where the hard palate and soft palate meet. Example: The Arabic letter ق /Qaf/: Its main, general Makhraj is: the tongue, whereas its specific Makhraj is the extreme back of the tongue touching the upper palate. Sifaat Al huroof are divided into two categories: A. These characteristics, are known as “Sifaat Al-Huroof”. Then the Sheikh differentiates between the Makharij and Sifat (attributes) in the Arabic Language. Sifaat (صفات) refers to the attributes or characteristics of those letters. These attributes differentiate one letter from another and contribute to the correct articulation of sounds. Ayat Institute 2 Comments. Rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween: Learn how to recite these letters correctly using Tajweed. How? By taking care of Makharij & Sifaat of letters and the rules of recitation Exit - جَرَخ َ م Place where the sound of the letter comes out from. What Are the Letters Makhraj groups? May 7, 2016 · Download Makharij al huruf in English pdf format. Technically it is an articulation point i. Makhraj dan Sifat Per Huruf 1. Jun 25, 2022 · Ṣifāt is broken into two categories: 1) Hams – slight continuation of the breath upon the pronunciation of the letter when it carries a sukūn. Both letters come from the same makhraj, but their sifaat are different. Makharij focuses on where Arabic letters are pronounced from. Rules of Stopping (Waqf): Master the correct pauses and stops during recitation. For those of you who have prior knowledge of Urdu, Punjabi, Persian they would easily identify most of the common alphabets easily. This characteristic is known as sifaat ul huroof which involve the features of the letters such as the length, strength and pronunciation. Visual aids have proven to be effective learning tools, simplifying complex information and enhancing retention. When it is pronounced, the tongue shudders or shivers (because it repeatedly ‚knocks‛ against the palate). Learn Rules of Tajweed: Gain a strong theoretical foundation in Tajweed. Sifaat ul Huroof. To recite from the correct Makhraj and Sifaat. After examining the exit points or “Makharij” of the Arabic letters, it’s essential to delve deeper into their distinctive features or “Sifaat (صِفَات)”. Di ebook Harakah, Rules, Errors, Sifaat Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. It is found in theل – ر. Definition: the way in which a letter is articulated that differentiates it from others. ÄDNÄÄ-E-HALQ Three letters originate from this makhraj. See full list on quranmyway. Articulated from between the tip of the tongue and between the plates of the two top incisors . Choose matching term. The Side of the Tongue. Each Arabic letter has Sifaat (attributes or characteristics) and Makhraj (an exit or articulation point where a letter originates). We use 5 Areas of the Mouth Makhraj: Join the inner parts of the lips. . The letters that have this characteristic are all the rest of the Arabic letters except the letters of shiddah (أجد قط بكت) and At-Tawassut لن عمر) Note: The letter sheen comes from the middle of the tongue and it’s مهموس (has And instruct them in knowledge. So if a person does not know the attributes of each letter there is a danger that he will change the meaning of the words in Qur'an recitation. Find other quizzes for Religious Studies and more on Quizizz for free! From this Makhraj is pronounced the three letters of They are known as HUROOFE-MÄDDÄH and HUROOFE-HÄWÄ-IEYÄH 2. a) Al-Shiddah ( الشدة ) – strength/force: is when the flow of sound is trapped in the makhraj; this is due to a heavy reliance on the makhraj and is applied to 8 Feb 3, 2023 · ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. Memahami apa itu Makhraj dalam Tajwid dan Sifaat setiap huruf adalah penting, kerana beberapa huruf mempunyai titik artikulasi yang sangat serupa, yang memudahkan kekeliruan. From this Makhraj is pronounced the letters 4. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Feb 14, 2012 · 4. Nov 3, 2022 · The makhraj of these letters incline towards the makhraj of another letter. Makhraj Kise Kahate Hain | Makhraj Of Arabic Letters In Urdu, Hindi | Makhraj Tajweed Welcome to this new series: Makharij and Sifaat Al-Huruf In this 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗵𝗿𝗮𝗷 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 "𝗞𝗮𝗮𝗳"Assalam o Alaikum!Learn Qur'an with correct Qawaid O Tajweed. ÄQSÄ-E-HALQ The part of the throat nearest to the chest. 1. 2. Each Arabic letter has a Makhraj (an exit or articulation point from which it originates) and Sifaat (attributes or characteristics). Arabic letters each have a Makhraj – an exit or articulation point - in the mouth or throat from which they originate and they also each have Sifaat – attributes, or characteristics - particular to them. Learn Surah Al-Asr (103) Ayat Aug 23, 2002 · Knowing the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter is an important part of Tajweed. -It allows us to know which letters are considered “strong” in their sifaat, and Feb 14, 2012 · Al-Jahr ( الجهر ) – audibility: of the letters which traps air flow due to heavy reliance on the makhraj; applied to all the remaining letters not included in hams. Feb 14, 2012 · Just as X marks the spot for any treasure, X also marks the makhraj (point of articulation) for the Arabic letters! Makhaarij Al-Huroof [1] translates to "the points of articulation for [the Arabic] letters". A small space is left between the tongue and the incisors when pronouncing them. • The following letters have this quality: ( فحثه شخص سكت) All of these 10 letters are pronounced with a running of breath. 30. Learning the Makhraj and Sifat […] Feb 22, 2012 · Al-Jahr ( الجهر ) – audibility: of the letters which traps air flow due to heavy reliance on the makhraj; applied to all the remaining letters not included in hams. Haroof e muzliqah haroofe musmitah in Urdu Hindi. Sometimes, two letters have very similar exits which means they may be easily mixed up. Aug 6, 2024 · Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the 5 major areas of makhraj?, What are the letters in Al-Jawf?, What are the parts of Al-Halq? and more. Learning the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter is an important part of tajweed. Makhraj dan sifat huruf jim 6. Sifaat Ul Huroof Part 2: The Qualities Without Opposites It is caused by quickly moving away from the makhraj of the letters above. Feb 22, 2021 · Makhraj (Points of Articulation) and Sifaat (Classifications) are the first things to be studied for Quranic letters correct pronunciation, where these two topics used to be studied traditionally Itmeans giving every letter of Qur’an its rights when we recite Quran. The audio signals (sound) were recorded from both share the same makhraj and sifaat, and the first letter is not voweled, while the second is voweled. • The makhraj of ص س ز is with the font tip of the tongue touching the back of the bottom front two teeth. Sifaat (4) Tajweed (36) Advanced Tajweed (13) Feb 17, 2023 · ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. The Makhraj of these three letters is the middle of the tongue touching the hard palate above it. S Mosque. Worksheet for Sifaat ul Huroof: Sifaat Practice Worksheet. Together, Makharij and Sifaat make up two integral aspects of tajweed. Each Arabic letter has a Makhraj (an exit or articulation point from which it originates) and Sifat (attributes or characteristics). When learning Tajweed, pictures can help illustrate the points of articulation (Makharij), characteristics of the Arabic letters (Sifaat), and the application of various Tajweed rules. Jawf (Empty Space in Mouth and Throat) The jawf refers to the empty space in the mouth and throat. Haroof e mutbiqah haroof e munfatiha 6. Makhraj: Touch the p of the tongue to the edge of the lower teeth and blow with a strong sound. org/product-category/books/english-books/ Learn to Recite the Quran with Tajweed | Makhaarij & Sifaat Dec 29, 2024 · Another explanation of this sifah states: that it’s the inclination of the letter after it emerges from its makhraj towards another makhraj. Sifaat (attributes) No air flow. When two letters have very close exits, it’s easy to mix them up. • The makhraj of ت د ط is the front tip of the tongue touching the gumline of the top front two teeth. e. MEANING OF MAKHRAJ. Characteristics of each letter. Sifaat are necessary because-Sifaat are what differentiate letters that share the same makhraj-Knowledge of the Sifaat allows us to pronounce a letter with perfection and precision, rather than making approximate sounds. The Permanent Sifaat of Al- Huroof with Opposites Mar 11, 2020 · The link of master sheets for all our courses. The quality of ithlaaq is found in the following letters which are called mudhlaqah : (فر من لب) This document provides details on Tajweed rules, specifically focusing on the "Sifaat of the letters" (characteristics of letters). From this Makhraj is pronounced the letters 3 . Chapter 5: Noon Sakinah and Tanween. Sometimes two letters have very similar exits which makes mixing them up easy. But why do we need sifaat when we already know the origin of the letter (makhraj)? ↪ ↪ If you can, please support the Channel: https://www. This applies to all the letters excluding those of Hams. There are 10 letters of Hams: ت ث ح خ س ش ص ف ك ه. Sifaat Al-Huroof refers to the specific qualities or characteristics of each letter in the Arabic alphabet. Tajweed needs an understanding of the Makhraj and Sifaat of Arabic letters. Al-Takreer ( التكرير ) / Repetition Dec 29, 2024 · While the makhraj refers to where the sound is produced, sifaat refers to how the sound is produced. It contains only one point of articulation. This quality is found in 2 letters and are called munharifah . org/product-category/books/english-books/ Tajweed linguistically is the Arabic word and its meaning “proficiency” or making clear sound of every word. Tajweed- Makhaarij ul huroof quiz for 1st grade students. org/product-category/books/english-books/ When two letters agree in sifaat (attribute) and makhaarij (places of articulation) then it is more befitting that they be (called) mithlayn (equivalent What is mithlain? It is when two letters meet that are united in makhraj and characteristics. arabic101. com Makhaarij must be used hand in hand with Sifaat (characteristics of the letter) in order to pronounce the letter completely and correctly, as the Makhraj provides the origin and the Sifaat provides extra information required to pronounce the letter properly. " Objectives: Learn and practice: Articulation Points of Quranic Letters Characteristics of Quranic Letters. What is makharij and sifaat? Makharij (مخارِج) refers to the articulation points of letters in the vocal tract. It means giving every letter of Qur’an its rights when we recite Quran. Jul 10, 2023 · Every single letter is supposed to come out from particular points (makhraj) in the mouth and throat accurately. Step 1: Access the Prompt on AI for Work Step 2: Once on the prompt page, click "copy prompt" and then paste it into the ChatGPT interface with the GPT-4 text model selected. Figure 1 shows the list of Sifaat with opposites of the 28 Quranic letters and letters that are classified to every group. An essential component of Tajweed is knowing the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter. Haroof e shadeedah haroof e rikhwah 7. Knowing the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter is an important part of Tajweed. Sifaat Al-Huroof (Characteristics of Letters) In addition to understanding the articulation points, Tajweed rules also encompass recognizing the unique characteristics of each letter. Chapter 5 Slides: Noon Sakinah and Tanween Aug 19, 2022 · The correct pronunciation of Makhraj and Sifaat are the two things that are considered difficult. Chapter 4 Part 2 Slides: Sifaat ul Huroof Part 2. Learn Quran online with rules of tajweed. This applies to the letters ل ر. So if a person does not know the attributes of each letter, there is a danger that he will change the meaning of the words when reciting the Quran. They are called Al-Huroof Ash-Shajariyyah. It is not a small fatha. a) Al-Shiddah ( الشدة ) – strength/force: is when the flow of sound is trapped in the makhraj; this is due to a heavy reliance on the makhraj and is applied to 8 Each letter has a unique makhraj, and mastering these points ensures accurate enunciation. Chapter 4 Part 1 Slides: Chapter 4- Sifaat Al Huroof Part 1. Learning Makharij, which refers to the proper articulation and placement of Arabic letters, is a fundamental aspect of mastering Tajwid and Quranic recitation. Aug 25, 2024 · In Tajweed, each Arabic letter has a Makhraj (the point of articulation from which it originates) and Sifaat (specific attributes or characteristics). Makharij (Points of Articulation) Illustrated: Jun 9, 2010 · Halaqa sifaat of tajweed easy - Download as a PDF or view online for free Sifaat refers to the characteristic(s) of the Quranic alphabets in which can be technically defined as the way each alphabet is articulated that differentiates it from others, [4]. Letters from this makhraj: ض (Dad) and ل (Lam). You can learn the exact articulation points of the arabic letters. In the Uthmani mushaf, Al Idgham Ash Shafawi is indicated by the first meem being without a sign, and the second meem having a shadda on it. Then dhatiyyah is further broken down into: in Makhraj order in Makhraj groups of rhyming letters with actions (TPI) that relate to Sifaat Repeated with different Harakat and Rules Tajweed rules make sense! Easy to explain and understand the Sifaat Don’t Mix the Makhraj! (6 teams) ضَ ظَ َذ َز صَ سَ ثَ طَ تَ خَ قَ َك َع َء May 19, 2018 · Makhraj: It is pronounced when the wet portion of the two lips meet and separate. WASTE-HALQ The centre of the throat . org/product-category/books/english-books/ Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like definition of tajweed, Benefit of Tajwid, fard kifayah and more. MEANING OF TAJWEED. • Technically means the continuation of the breath when pronouncing the letter due to weakness in its origin, causing weakness in its reliance on its makhraj. It is found in the rāʾ ر . Haroof e mustalia haroof e mustafilah 4. Sifaat Al Areedah “Redundant Characteristics” (الصفات العارضة) Sep 18, 2022 · Makhārij is the plural of makhraj. Makhraj: Thicken the tongue and touch it to the upper gum; ٌد ٍد ادً ُد سٌ سٍ ﺎﺳً سُ سِ سَ ساَْ The link of master sheets for all our courses. understandquran. -It allows us to know which letters are considered “strong” in their sifaat, and Nov 23, 2024 · Characteristics (Sifaat) of Raa. Haroof e mahmoosah 19. This video is about 11st types of idgham according to makhraj and sifaat-Idgham muthamathilain, idgham mutaqaribain and idgham mutajanisain Oct 15, 2024 · Harakah, Rules, Errors, Sifaat Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. (والصيرُ مستكن) Sifaat: Jahar, Infitah, Istifal, rikhawah, Ismaat, safeer. The characteristic is important in distinguishing the alphabets that share the same articulation points (Makhraj).
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