Mouseover purify macro. Please help with a priest purify and .
Mouseover purify macro I know I can do this in clique, but I wasn’t sure if there is a way to write this in a ma… Mouseover master race! My preferred sequence is: Mouseover -> Target -> TargetTarget -> Self TargetTarget is extremely useful because it lets you view the details of your target while arbitrarily moving your mouse around. No Mod @Mouseover Friendly - Burst Healing Primordial Wave > Riptide > Healing Surge > Healing Wave SHIFT Dec 15, 2024 · This will allow you to much more easily cast them on raid members. Elemental: #showtooltip Elemental Mastery /use 13 /use 14 /cast Elemental Mastery /cast Lightning Bolt The current macro I am trying to achieve is as follows: #showtooltip / cast [@mouseover,help,nodead,mod:shift] Purify; [@mouseover,help,nodead] Power Word: Shield I want to cast Purify on a mouseover if I hold down Shift, but otherwise use Power Word: Shield. And if you target an ally the macro will target a nearby enemy to use the Oct 18, 2006 · Hello, I'm trying to create a macro that: Cast Purge on ENEMY target if FRIENDLY target AND in spec:1 (resto) cast Purify Spirit (cast on myself if no target available) else if FRIENDLY target AND in spec:2 (elem) cast Cleanse Spirit (cast on myself if no target available) My macro I've been working on; I can't get Cleanse Spirit to work in you can go into setting > keybindings > click casting and set up a mouse over for ingame party frames. i put purify on Hey guys, I have some macro knowledge, but I cannot wrap my head around as to my this macro won't work. But for some reason Purify Spirit on my shaman doesn’t. Does anyone know why this might be? #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists][] Purify Spirit // OR #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists] Purify Spirit; Purify Spirit Dec 15, 2024 · Mouseover, Cursor and Player Macros Although it's not necessary, using mouseover macros for all of your heals is preferred if you are not using click-casting. Oddly, the mouse-over works correctly if I mouse-over an actual player avatar, but not on raid or party frames. Mouseover macros are way more customizable than the mouseover keybind setting For example you can have something like /use [@mouseover,harm,nodead]PURGE;[@mouseover,help,nodead]DISPELL;[@mouseover,help,dead]RESURRECT and it will cast the things depending on the conditionals that apply: if your mouseover target is an enemy and alive it will cast a purge spell, if your mouseover target is an Anyone can please post Mouseover macro for Afflicted Dispel? Thanks. Just don’t get into a group where your the only one that can dispell like I did. I want something like this: #Showtooltip Purify Spirit /cast [target=party1] [help] Purify Spirit; [harm] Purge #Showtooltip Purify Spirit /cast [target=party2] [help] Purify Spirit; [harm] Purge However it does not work, at least not when I duel someone in Nov 20, 2019 · I’d appreciate some help with this macro. You can replace Riptide and Flame Shock with other spells: Aug 3, 2024 · CTRL - Purify [@Mouseover] ALT - Mass Dispel @MOUSEOVER - Will rotate through in order of prio Power Word: Life > Holy Word: Serenity> Flash Heal > Power Word: Shield for direct burst heals. You can also add extra modifiers once you get the hang of macros Aug 29, 2024 · This is an example of a Mod Macro, you can change Angelic Feather to another ability. 2023: Fix issue with Mind Control macro. This means you don’t have to change your target, just hover your mouse over the player or their name in the raid frame that you want to cast the spell on. If you want a macro to dispel the second party member, change the party1 to party2. 25 Apr. This macro will use in that order: Chain Lightning on your Mouseover target if it is an enemy, Chain Heal on your Mouseover target if it is an enemy, Chain Lightning on current target if it is an We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Currently I have this: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [target] [player] Dispel Magic Sep 17, 2019 · Self Cast Key Bug Season of Discovery Rune Placeholder Spells General Macro Templates Ping Macro Universal Mount Macro Known Macro Helpful Mouseover Macro Harmful Mouseover Macro Reaction Neutral Mouseover Macro Help/Harm Macro Multi-modifier Mouseover Macro Reticle Macro Nochanneling Macro Stopcasting Macro Cancelaura Macro Base Healing Macro Offensive Macro for Healers Conditional Focus Cast 3rd: it checks for friendly mouseover to purify 4th: Tries to purify your friendly target 5th: tries to purge your hostile target 6th: casts Purify if there is nothing else to do assuming you have Auto Self Cast turned on it defaults to casting purify on yourself if all the other checks fail. Having some trouble here, this works for the enemy, but not friendly mousover. Dec 10, 2018 · Self Cast Key Bug Season of Discovery Rune Placeholder Spells General Macro Templates Ping Macro Universal Mount Macro Known Macro Helpful Mouseover Macro Harmful Mouseover Macro Reaction Neutral Mouseover Macro Help/Harm Macro Multi-modifier Mouseover Macro Reticle Macro Nochanneling Macro Stopcasting Macro Cancelaura Macro Base Healing Macro Offensive Macro for Healers Conditional Focus Cast Nov 25, 2024 · Dispell Macro /cast [@mouseover] Purify. I’m sure it isn’t too hard to pull off, I’m just having trouble making it work - all the macros with similar intent seem to be worried about focus targetting etc. Mouseover Macros - Paladin - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Dec 15, 2024 · /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Cleanse Toxins; This macro will cast Cleanse Toxins on the target you are currently mousing over. If you hold down ANY modifier key (shift, alt or cntrl) then cast Mass Dispel. Howdy, I’m trying to create a macro for Purge/Greater Purge, but I can’t seem to get both spells working. i don’t use them for this instance myself but unless i’m mistaken you can mouseover your raidframes Trying to make a macro that will Purge my current enemy target but act as a mouse over macro Purify Spirit for a friendly target. /cast [@mouseover, help, dead] Resurrection; [@mouseover, help, nodead] Penance [@focustarget]penance So here is my macro. personally id recommend an addon like vuhdo since ingame raid frames doesnt track things like renewing mist as well but 100% set up mouse over casts; not using them as a healer is such a handicap i dont know if i could heal a 14 without them and i got my s2 ksh week 2 without trying Im hoping you can help with a macro for my shadowlands disc priest, I want it to: Dispel magic when i'm targetting an enemy; Purify when im targetting an ally; or Purify myself when i'm holding alt I can get the help / harm portion working, but the alt mod won't work. As an alternative to creating mouseover macros, you can use Clique. Restoration Shaman have Purify Spirit for their dispel. You could perhaps try something like this showtooltip Purify /castsequence [@mouseover, help, nodead, exists] reset=8 Purify, Power Word: Life I am wondering if it's possible to macro this. Currently having trouble making mouseover macros for Rapture and Purify. Won't actually Purify your target though, which is a bummer. 2022: Reviewed for I’ve looked at similar posts and read the stickies, but i can’t figure this out for the life of me. I got one that lets you do that. Above works for all three shammy specs, for targeting and mouseover, for dispelling and purging depending on if target is friendly or not. I am trying to make a macro for purging Mind Control on my party members in arena, but I want to implement it into my Purify Spirit macro. All abilities can be used as a mouseover macro. 30 May 2023: Add a few mouseover macros for handling Season 2 affixes. 1. 2024: Removed unnecessary macros, added Ancestral Swiftness macros. This can greatly reduce the number of total keybinds you need, which is important on a spec like Restoration Shaman. Well 2 actually. Here Blessing of Freedom is cast on the target at the mouse pointer. I have Raid-style frames enabled for 5 man parties. Relevant spells which are NOT in the macro: Divine Hymn: I put it on a seperate keybind. Jun 1, 2019 · Try this macro instead (a little bit cleaner without the @player condition for Dispel Magic) Focus Target, Mouseover or target Dispel / Purify marco help need. We highly suggest that all of your healing spells, as well as other utility spells that can be cast on raid members (such as Guardian Spirit and Purify), be easily accessible. I want the icon to be Mass Dispel furthermore a mouse over dispel macro might be really helpful. If I mouse over an actual character, works fine. 24 Jan. The mouse-over macros are just on my - and = buttons on my bar 1, and I have the mouse buttons bound to those keys. Sep 3, 2012 · /cast [@mouseover,nomod,help][nomod,help][mod:alt,@player] Purify;[@mouseover,nomod,harm][nomod,harm] Dispel magic; [mod:shift] Mass dispel; [@player] Purify. I can get the macro to work without the mouseover, but once I add the mouseover and target macro [] it only works for the nomod part of the macro. (as well as turn it into a Mouseover, you an remove that if you want but in the heat of the moment you dont want to waste milliseconds clicking someones frame) Purify, Dispel Magic, Purify. If anyone is able to help me with this macro I’d appreciate it greatly. Hello! Happy Holidays! I am trying to make a mouseover purify friendly target and dispel magic enemy target macro. That's how I use a mouseover macro. Dec 21, 2023 · A mouseover macro is also useful for buffs that need to be cast quickly. If target is friendly, cast dispel magic on it. Thank If I mouse over my party frame, nothing happens - button wont even work. Sep 28, 2008 · Hai. What it does now: It only cleanses targets I mouseover in the world, but not raidframes or portraits. What Asuna and Annaconda said is great, and I plan to do that, but historically I set my mouse software to ALT+1, ALT+2, ALT+3, etc, etc, for each of the buttons, and put the spells/macros I want on hidden bars, with keybinds to the same ALT+1, 2, 3, etc. This makes it easier to dispel a teammate while healing the rest of your team. The example below is a Renew mouseover macro. #showtooltip Cleanse Toxins /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead I’m using the below macro to purify on team mates, and dispel magic on enemies. #showtooltip /cast These can be adjusted as needed for each ability. 7. I recently got Quazii’s UI profile for ElvUI and I love it (I’m new to ElvUi in general) except I am having an issue where the same healing mouseover macros I’ve used for a while don’t work on my raid frames. El_Bastardo December 14, 2024, 1:35am 2. For some reason one specific Priest spell - Purify - is not working for me as a mouseover macro with Grid2. I've seriously run out of space for macros on most of my toons, including my "general macros" tab. Please help! Thanks Goongi #showtooltip Purify /cast [@mouseover, help] Purify /cast [@mouseover, harm] [ ] Dispel Magic Shows the (soon to come) cooldown for Purify, casts Purify on a friendly mouseover, casts Dispel Magic on an enemy mouseover, and casts Dispel Magic on an enemy target if you have no mouseover. Do I need to change any in-game settings? I dont use mouseover addons, but want to try for this affix. #showtooltip /cast Purify; Purify; Dispel Magic; Purify; Dispel Magic; Purify Apr 14, 2012 · 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. I know I can do this in clique, but I wasn’t sure if there is a way to write this in a macro with the mouse over condition. If you want to add a failsafe into the macro where it will cast on yourself if your mouseover target is not friendly, the below macro covers this. #showtooltip /cast [spec:3,@mouseover,help,nodead] Purify Spirit; [@mouseover,help,nodead] Cleanse Spirit; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Purge; [spec:3] Purify Spirit; Cleanse Spirit . I’m assuming the fact Oct 13, 2022 · Dispel Macros This macro is really useful and I recommend having three different ones for our Purify macro; one for party1, other for party2, and other one for player (it dispels ourselves). You add the party1 or party2 or player to the next macro in X #showtooltip Purify /cast Purify; Barrier Macros Dec 15, 2024 · Advanced Mouseover Macros (Help/Harm) Just like a normal mouseover macro, except this allows you to macro a damaging ability with a healing ability that's on mousover. ```lua #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help][@player] Purify Spirit [@mouseover, help, nodead][@player] Cleanse Spirit the Purge part works like a charm, but the cleanse spirit, not so much. "#showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help] Purify; [@mousover,harm] Dispel… May 6, 2011 · No macro expert here, but this might work for you: /cast [mod:alt,target=player][target=mouseover, exists, help] [target=target,exists][target=player] Dispel Magic If target is hostile, cast dispel magic on it. If mouseover target is friendly, cast dispel magic on it. Greetings! I am having some trouble getting my dispel macro to work. I use mouseover macros for any healing that isn't click bound. Dec 2, 2020 · Hi in short I have macro for mouseover which works for one combination of spells on frames, on different spell combination it doesnt MACRO A #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Chain Heal; Flame Shock It works when I hover over the player , it works on party frame , healbot frame MACRO B #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Healing Wave; Chain Lightning A works in every Dispel magic dispels beneficial spell from an enemy. The macro I am trying to modify is this (binding macro to “X”): #showtooltip /cast [nomod,@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Purify; [nomod,@cursor] !Mass Dispel; [mod:alt,@player] !Mass Dispel Essentially I am almost where I want the macro to be, but not quite there . I know I can do this in clique, but I wasn’t sure if there is a way to write this in a ma… May 5, 2024 · Mouseover Macros for Priests in WoW Classic. So you can write a macro which will cast appropriate spell depending on your target. I found this but it doesn’t work on myself . 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10. 2023: Add a macro for Mind Control and clean up a few others. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2. 1 for shadow, 1 for disc/holy. I use macros for EVERYTHING. 6. Purify removes magic or/and disease effect from a friend. If you want to use it on your target defensively as well, you can do /cast [@mouseover, help][@target, help][@player] Dispel Magic And if you want your target to be higher priority than mouseover, just switch the two around and put @target first in the macro. 17. The macro will clear your focus if you're holding down [alt] and use it. you can be second on the dispel meters, after the priests. I have this macro set up with the expectation that it will 1: purge my enemy mouseover target , or 2: Cleanse my friendly mouseover target OR myself … /cast [@mouseover,harm][@target] Purge; [@mouseover, help, nodead][@player] Cleanse Spirit the Purge part works like a charm, but the Mar 6, 2021 · Can somone please make a “purify spirit”, mouse over macro. Heal them if they are not dead (with mouseover), or cast Penance at my Tank’s Target (focustarget) if i’m not mousing over anyone. Thankyou all in advance I have the same syntax for all my mouseover macros. Spell Mouseover Macro. /cast [@mouseover] Guardian I have the same syntax for all my mouseover macros. I previously had my Dispel magic, and Purify coupled together, but I ran into a few issues, so decided to separate them. Otherwise, cast Purify on yourself: /cast [mod] Mass Dispel; [help,nodead] Purify; [harm,exists] Dispel Magic /cast [nomod, @player] Purify Jul 2, 2009 · /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Cleanse;Cleanse if you prefer to be more flexible with your targetting. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Chain Heal; Flame Shock Dec 15, 2024 · This macro allows you to use Shadow Word: Death both to avoid incoming crowd control and to deal damage with only one keybind. I want a macro for various Shaman healing spells that casts on the mouseover… but if there is none, auto casts on me. For Priest, mouseover macros are recommended for many spells. #showtooltip I'm looking to make a macro for [Purify]. I’m trying to get it to rez a party member if dead. It's just Purify. 20 Mar. I’m struggling with arranging it though. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 0. Shadow all in 1 dispel/purify disease /cast [mod:shift, @player][@mouseover,help,nodead] Purify Disease; [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Dispel Magic; [help,nodead][@player] Purify Disease Disc/Holy - Dispel/Purify (will change tooltip/icon depending on targets) #showtooltip [harm] Dispel Magic; [noharm Dec 15, 2024 · 09 Sep. This is the 1st macro i made, usually i edit all my macros to my liking. The former is the easy part. #showtooltip Cleanse /cast Cleanse; Cleanse What I want it to do; Use Cleanse on friendly targets I mouseover; be it in a raid frame, a portrait or the world. This is what I have so for both: #showtooltip #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help][help][] Purify. If you configure the macros though, you can still use Healbot as a raid frame, so you can teach yourself to use your macros while still having your usual HB setup still there. If you can help the @mouseover target you will cast on that, otherwise if you can help your target you will cast on that, or it will fallback to casting on yourself. That should do it for you. Of course if I mouse over another enemy while having a different enemy "targeted" my cast will hit the enemy that my mouse is hovering over which makes sense. As most of you are aware, with the release of the Shadowlands Pre-patch casting Rapture also simultaneously casts a 200% Power Word: Shield on the target. It will cast Purify if your mouseover target or target is yourself or a friendly, or Dispel Magic if your mouseover target or target is an unfriendly. I am new to these and this is just a mix of macros I found on some other sites. Usage Information: The macro will prioritise casting Lava Burst > Lightning Bolt > Flame Shock without mod or @mouseover input. Terrible implementation by blizz but that been said there are worse affixes. showtooltip /cast [help] Purify; [harm] Dispel Magic Can someone tweak it so it can cast Purify on both… Dec 15, 2024 · /cast [target=party1] Purify Spirit; Using this macro will cast Purify Spirit on party player 1. The macro for each ability looks the same except for the name of the ability. 2024: Added a variety of helpful macros, removed a couple that are becoming obsolete. We tested several macros over about an hour…. When I actually use it I have to mouseover the body of the afflicted soul and not the nameplate as I use a nameplate addon and it messes with the mob’s nameplate. Here is the macro: #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Dispel Magic This is the mouseover macro I use for all my healing spells, and it works perfectly for everything except dispel. But should help relieve some headache Macro will look like this is in the end May 2, 2023 · Note: This macro only works for Elemental and Enhancement. Here’s my base purify macro to build upon: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][]Purify Thank you. Here is my macro for the current (as of MoP) version of this spell. 3 Likes. Self Cast Key Bug Season of Discovery Rune Placeholder Spells General Macro Templates Ping Macro Universal Mount Macro Known Macro Helpful Mouseover Macro Harmful Mouseover Macro Reaction Neutral Mouseover Macro Help/Harm Macro Multi-modifier Mouseover Macro Reticle Macro Nochanneling Macro Stopcasting Macro Cancelaura Macro Base Healing Macro Offensive Macro for Healers Conditional Focus Cast Nov 11, 2006 · The problem is that the mouse-over macros just won't work using the buttons on the mouse. The weird thing is that my These are very good for afflicted or the dispels on mythic tindral. This is what you want to deal damage and also to avoid CC. This last macro does the same than the above, but first of all tries to dispel/purify your current mouseover target, then if there is none, checks for your current target, checks if you /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Healing Surge ``` 2. Aug 19, 2024 · Mouseover harmful spells Macro. I can get the mouseover part to work but for the life of me cannot figure out how to make it cast purif… Dec 15, 2024 · This sort of macro allows you to cast a different spell depending on whether your cursor is hovering over a friendly target, which is helpful when reducing the total amount of buttons you need to use for both healing and dealing damage. Very useful, especially in dungeons or pvp. Any kind of raid/group interface will work as well with hovering. 2024: Fixed a typo in the Gust of Wind/Spirit Walk macro. :3 I'm looking to make a mouseover macro that when i don't push a modifier key, will cast Dispel Magic, and if i press alt, it'll use Abolish Disease inst… This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. 2024: Added cancelaura macros, added Liquid Magma Totem to the @cursor macros. The mouseover component will NOT work, but it works when I click the player and then use it. You might wish to change this up, but I like to be Dec 15, 2024 · For the Holy Priest Macros we got together with Elvenbane, moderator for Warcraft Priests and author of their popular Useful Macro Templates guide. Simply hover over the enemy nameplate and use macro. Hello, I want a macro that 1)if i mouseover a friendly, it cast chain heal 2)if i mouseover enemy, it cast chain lightning Please help with a priest purify and Hi everyone - I’ve been using in-game mouseover macros for a while, and they have been great for healing. Been playing resto shaman and using Healbot since Wotlk. #showtooltip purify Hey all, I use this macro currently: #showtooltip /use [mod:ctrl] Cure Disease; [mod:shift] Disease Cleansing Totem; Cure Poison is there a way to include in this a mouse over priority for cure poison/disease? thanks Oct 26, 2024 · I think it would be: /cast [@mouseover,help,dead] YourRezSpell. I want it to cast the spell I have talented - prioritizing @mouseover, then if no mouseover, my current target. I would like mass dispel on mod:shift and @cursor. Keypresser program i use: PunchKey. The following works: /cast [nomod] Arcane Shot; [mod:shift] Kill Shot; [mod:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot but with the ,@mouseover,exists,harm][] it stops working, except for the The one roadblock macro I thought that would've been very simple to write, but yet it doesn't. It works when mouseovering a player model in the overworld, but not with the grid frames. Jun 11, 2021 · hello wow people i use a couple of mouseover macros (example:) #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Healing Wave This basic macro is used in most of my macros and it works really nice for me. Creator Comments: Due to changes with how Discipline Priest is played in TWW, I would not recommend players use this spec at the moment with GSE. Set Tank as @focus to automate Prayer of Mending on CD. Here is what I have and it is NOT auto self-casting. Chains Lightning/Heal single macro. I can get the mouseover part to work but for the life of me cannot figure out how to make it cast purify on me if I have no target. That way you don`t need to change your target ( very important vs explosive affix). Oct 22, 2023 · Holding ShiftALT on enemy mouseover casts Hex, and on Friendly casts Purify Spirit ( for affixes ) Holding Ctrl Alt casts Astral Spirit ( 40% dmg reduction ) and if mouseover on friendly casts Ascendance. I'd like to be able to hover my mouse over the health bar of a party member and press a mouse button to use [Purify]. 2023: Add simple Mass Dispel macro. #showtooltip Power Word: Life /stopcasting /cast [@mouseover,help] Power Word: Life; Power Word: Life. Must be something like: /use Purify;Dispel magic or more sophisticated macro with "@mouseover" or whatever you want LIke mouse over a enemy cast flame shock, mouseover a friendly Cast Healing wave. **Purify Spirit (Cleansing)**: This macro will cast Purify Spirit on your mouseover target if it's a friendly unit with a debuff that can be removed, or on yourself if there is no valid mouseover target. You can also use this for "Bind Elemental". If the mouse pointer does not point to a valid target, it will hit the target in the target if it is friendly. Simply replace Power Word: Shield with the name of the spell you want to use: #showtooltip Power Word: Shield /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][]Power Word: Shield Always on your mouseover target first and on yourself if no mouseover target. Otherwise, if you have a target and it is friendly and alive cast Purify; otherwise if you have a targeted enemy cast Dispel Magic. As most of you are aware, with the release of the Shadowlands Pre-patch casting Rapture also simultaneously casts a 200% Power Word: Shield on t… Oct 7, 2024 · For Shadow Word: Death, you’ll mainly use this macro to free yourself from breakable Crowd Control, primarily Fear, Polymorph, and occasionally Blind. Go Oct 21, 2020 · Running the macro @ 40 MS. Currently having trouble making mouseover macros for Rapture and Purify. I was thinking something like: /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help][target=player] Purify Spirit; [harm] Purge I’m not great at Hello! Happy Holidays! I am trying to make a mouseover purify friendly target and dispel magic enemy target macro. I’ve tried using the syntax from my Power Word: Shield and Shadow Mend mouseover macros (which work fine) but no luck. Will also use PI on @focus automatically. An example for a mouse over macro is showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] Purify Spirit Replace purify spirit with whatever your dispel is named. How do I adjust this so that if I press alt, it cast purify on myself? #showtooltip /cast [help] Purify; [harm] Dispel Magic Afflicted - Please let me macro this - Dungeons, Raids and Loading Jun 4, 2014 · Purify #showtooltip /cast [modifier:ctrl, @focus] Purify /cast [modifier:SELFCAST, @player] Purify /cast [target=mouseover,help] Purify; [help] Purify; Purify Purify with Dispel Magic This one's a bit complicated, but it makes it possible to also dispel with target - or mouseover while keeping a target for something else. Hello all, I use a mix of mouseover macros w/ healbot frames + healbot click interface. Remember to turn off the macro, before using it! Guardian Spirit: Seperate keybind aswell, with a @mouseover macro. Does anyone know why this might be? #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists][] Purify Spirit // OR #showtooltip… Oh god, where do I start. This macro will work for anything you want as a mouse over. Aug 3, 2024 · Evening darlings, I have been lurking around here for awhile creating my own macros, but I feel it’s time to share the love, and give back to the community. All other spells work perfectly fine, too. 07 May 2024: Reviewed /cast [target=mouseover, noharm]Righteous Defense; [target=mouseover, harm]Hand of Reckoning for you, this becomes: #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover, noharm]Cleanse Spirit; [target=mouseover, harm]Purge this is a really useful macro for things like faction champions. It is extremely burst dependant now, and does not flow. And couldn’t find a good solution 4 days ago · macro, it will set your focus target to whatever you're currently targeting. ). Dec 15, 2024 · 01 Jun. Trying to make a macro that will Purge my current enemy target but act as a mouse over macro Purify Spirit for a friendly target. Aug 2, 2024 · Evening darlings, I have been lurking around here for awhile creating my own macros, but I feel it’s time to share the love, and give back to the community. Im a bit of a noob and just need it for dispelling in dungeon groups. The three conditions are checked from left to right. It requires optimal timing due to Make a macro with that in it, name your Freedom macro BOF Target someone, press the macro, and it updates the @playerName part with your targets name CANNOT be updated in Combat ofc, since that function is blocked by Blizzard. 03 Feb. Simply hover your mouse over your mate and press the button. 21 Aug. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] Purify #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] Void Shift #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] Shadow Word: Death Cancelaura Dec 11, 2006 · Various Macros include:(Note: These are individual macros, not lines of a single macro) Priest: /cast [target=mouseover] Dispel Magic /cast [target=mouseover] Cure Disease /cast [target=mouseover] Abolish Disease Shaman: /cast [target=mouseover] Cure Disease /cast [target=mouseover] Cure Poison /cast [target=mouseover] Purge The way your macro work is when you mouse over a friendly it would use Purify, but you will have to target the friendly target in order to use PWL on them. works like a champ. This macro contains 1 macro version. #showtooltip /cast [@target,harm] [@mouseover,harm] [@mouseovertarget,harm] Dispel Magic; [@player] Arcane Torrent. Then if either my target has nothing to dispel or I have no target, cast it on myself. If you target an enemy, the macro will simply use Shadow Word: Death on the enemy. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists,help]Healing Surge; Healing Surge Is this not possible because it’s like “if… then”? I'm looking to adjust my macro so that if by chance I have my mouse over myself, friendly target, or dead target that my casts will still go through on the target I have. 11 Dec. #showtooltip Purify /cast [@mouseover,help][@target,help][@player] Purify. 23 Jul. . Dec 15, 2024 · #showtooltip Purify /cast [target=party1] Purify; Using this macro will cast Purify on party player 1. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] flash heal (basically like this. If i split the macro, the Cleanse Spirit part works the way i want. Here is an example of a mouseover macro. I want to cast dispel magic first on my mouseover, if there is no valid mouseover, cast it on my target. Everything i have done only casts one or the other unless i have a enemy target… I am looking to make a marco that I can cast on mouseover. I recently started trying mouseover macros and honestly, I prefer Healbot. If you replace “Renew” with any ability name, it will cast the ability you have typed on the target your mouse is currently over. jbvizcttzobcebdqnkddwksuakguequnedpyisagvlnihrd