Diane click perryton tx age. We found 19 people named Diane Herndon living in Texas.
Diane click perryton tx age View Cathy Dunsworth results in Perryton, TX including current home address, phone number, relatives & property records with Whitepages. Contact information for people named Diane V Click found in Big Spring and Perryton, and include family, property and public records. Aug 5, 2022 · Perryton Herald. People named Diana Wooster are usually in their 70s. Tuesday September 27 at the Victory Family Church in Perryton Tx. Kacy is survived by her fianc, Colt Rawlins, her brother, Cole Courson, and sister, Cali Kit Campagnola her children, Cali Leeann Johnson and Kellen. Most of them live in Dallas-Fort Worth, followed by Wichita Falls and Beaumont-Port Arthur. Cathy also has 1 active email address What are Diane D Eagle’s alternative names? You may know Diane by the names of Diane Eagle, Diane Daley Eagle, and Diane D Eagle. Whitepages People Search has contact information for 2 people named Diane Goldsberry in the state of Texas, including 1 individuals local to Mercedes, 1 individuals local to Perryton. Nov 17, 2023 · Chuck Painter, 61, of Perryton, Texas passed away Friday, November 17, 2023 in Perryton, Texas. Filter by age. com to access their phone number, address and more. 32% were under the age of 15, 21. He served as Pastor at the United Pentecostal Church in Perryton. Find Diane's current address in Texas, phone number and email. The best profile found nearby is Cathy Dunsworth, located at 1502 S Baylor St, Perryton, TX. Diane Sharon Thorpe has 3 phone numbers, including 1 cell number and 2 landlines. She was charged with two counts of obstruction, aggravated sexual assault of a child and abandonment/endangerment of a child. Diane K Coulter, age 63, lives in Spicewood, TX. Services will be at 1100 a. com and @gmail. Kinzy L Taylor resides at 12299 FM 1267, Perryton, TX 79070. Diane Herndon Summary. Officiated by Rev Frances Marie Dorn, age 86, of Las Vegas, Nevada passed away February 1st of 2024. S. We found 2 mobile phone numbers starting with the area codes 603 and 303. Find phone numbers and contact info for 16 people named Diane Click across 15 U. The best profile found nearby is Joan Pletcher, located at 1102 S Indiana St, Perryton, TX. We found 24 people named Diane Parsons in Texas. The best profile found nearby is Lane Thrasher, located at 817 S Grinnell St, Perryton, TX. Click if you want to know all the information about Benny VIEW FULL REPORT . People named Cynthia Gerber typically live in Perryton and Nazareth. What is Diane D Eagle's email address? We have the following email address on file for Diane D Eagle: [email protected]. died on Sunday, November 16, 2014 in Perryton, Texas at the age of 83. They have also lived in Canyon, TX and Fort Myers, FL. They have also lived in Canyon, TX and Amarillo, TX. 93% aged 65 to 84, and 1. 52% aged 30 to 64, 8. 2% of those age 65 or over. While most of her life was spent living and working on the land her father purchased north of Perryton, Texas, Lucy also resided in Arkansas and California during her first few years of life. Diana Hale lives in Seagraves, TX. View Janet's cell phone and current address. Jun 23, 2024 · Diane A Ponder, age 69: 2212 Schnebly Rd, Spring Valley, OH 45370 (937) 862-5921: Diane L Ponder, age 69: 209 Indiana St, Perryton, TX 79070 (806) 435-5683: Diane S Ponder, age 69: 7341 Exeter Ct, Riverdale, GA 30296 (404) 202-7529: Diane E Ponder, age 70: 2201 Sunset Ln, Portland, OR 97201 (503) 245-7104 · (503) 246-2276: Diane E Ponder, age 70 Diane D Belt lives in Austin, TX. Call Diane Norma Walter at their most recent home phone, (303 People named Diane Walter are usually in their 60s and often live in Perryton and San Antonio. m. Phone numbers for Diane include: (512) 338-9795. Their landline or home phone number in Chambersburg is (717) 352-8011. Diane also has 2 active email addresses, including domains from @comcast. 38% of the population is Black ; In Perryton 0. 7% of families and 13. Hodo passed away Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at his home. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 (806) 435-3631 Diane J Banner has 2 phone numbers, including 1 landline and 1 cell number. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 ; 40-49 ; 50-59 ; 60-69 ; 70-79 ; 80+ Filter Results View Diane's current address in Texas, phone number and email Kathryn Diane Barnes lives in Pasadena, TX. The Big Sky area is a fast growing, fast moving region of Nov 21, 2020 · Perryton Herald. 4% of those under age 18 and 10. Diana is related to Robbye Hale and Deona Hale. Houston, TX Perryton, TX, 79070-2661 Filter by age. Find their contact information including current home address, phone number 806-435-1182, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages People Search, the most trusted online directory. Bobbie Bozeman, 70, of Perryton Tx passed away on Monday, November 22, 2021. View Diane's cell phone and current address. The ages of these people range from 47 to 80 years old according to public records. Amherst St. Cathy also answers to Cathy D Dunsworth, Cathy Luther and Cathy Diane Dunsworth, and perhaps a couple of other names. All Ages Feb 8, 2025 · All contact info about Dyanne Harmon Boucher, 63 from Perryton, Texas - address, e-mail, phone, public records, etc at Inforver FOR FREE AKA: Diane B Coc Taylor, Diane Barbara Click, Diane Barbara French, Diane Renard Taylor Phone Numbers: (806) 202-1294, (806) 202-5396, (806) 434-2694, (904) 282-3393, (806) 202-6952, (570) 748-8690 Addresses: 14 Walnut Grv, Mill Hall, PA, 121 N Fordham St, Perryton, TX View Diane Elaine French results in Texas (TX) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Find addresses and contact info for 6 people named Penny C Austin across 6 U. com. Another top profile is Diane Monica Kacy Lee Courson, a resident of Perryton, TX, died unexpectedly on July 7, 2024, at the age of 40, in a single-vehicle wreck outside of Perryton. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 ; 40-49 ; 50-59 ; 60-69 ; 70-79 ; 80+ Filter Results View Diane's current address in Texas, phone number and email Valerie Diane Morgan 50 of Perryton Tx died September 23, 2016 in Amarillo Tx. and is named for William Beck Ochiltree, who was an attorney general of the Republic of Texas. Feb 3, 2025 · Ochiltree County ( OK-əl-tree) is a county located in the U. The best profile found nearby is Cynthia Gerber, located at 2614 Georgia Dr, Perryton, TX. Joan Bryan Pletcher has 2 phone numbers, including 1 landline and {topResultCellphoneCount} cell number. Her total bond on the four charges was originally $480,000. it is subject to change and may be updated periodically. After the funeral Allen will be cremated with interment in The best profile found nearby is Diane Thorpe, located at 12890 County Road 12, Perryton, TX. We found 2 mobile phone numbers starting with the area codes 303 and 970. A funeral service will be held at Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home Chapel in Perryton, Texas on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 200 p. Their landlines or home phone numbers in Perryton are (806) 435-3009 and (806) 435-3864. Dianne Banner is 65 years old and was born on 02/14/1959. Find their contact information including current home address, phone number 512-491-8446, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages People Search, the most trusted online directory. and Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from 900 a. Whigham Park (established 1934) Perryton and nearby rural areas are served by the Perryton Independent School District and Perryton High School. The best profile found nearby is Penny Austin, located at 406 S Cedar St, Perryton, TX. 65% were 85 years of age and older. You can text or call them via their cell phone number starting with area code 806. The best profile found nearby is Diane Hunter, located at 1903 Parkside Ln, Austin, TX. We found 19 people named Diane Herndon living in Texas. Diane Denise Hoard, age 53, lives in Dallas, TX. A graveside service will be held Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at The best profile found nearby is Diane Lee, located at 3103 Windy Hollow Way, Euless, TX. People named Diane Parsons are usually in their 50s and often live in Chilton and Orange. Find addresses and contact info for 125 people named Diane Roberts across 18 U. Lane A Thrasher has 4 phone numbers, including 2 cell numbers and 2 landlines. state of Texas. Another top profile, Diane Banner, lives at 15271 Mincing Ln. You can text or call them via their cell phone numbers in area codes 603 and 303. Main was broken by a white older model pickup driving through the lot. Feb 23, 2023 · click,diane b #, ochiltree county, texas - 2023-02-23. Phone numbers for Diana include: (806) 387-2664. Cathy calls Perryton, TX, home. The largest city in Ochiltree County is Perryton. to 900 p. The county seat is Perryton. He was born May 27, 1948 at Sentinel, OK View Dianne D Douglas results in Texas (TX) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages Diane Click Fryar, age --, lives in Big Spring, TX. 2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 18. at the First Baptist Church Find addresses and contact info for 11 people named Diane E Dalton across 11 U. Officiated by Rev Janet Michelle Cummings 's address was 2605 Harvard Dr, Perryton, TX. Janet is related to Jason Eckert and Sharon Cummings as well as 3 additional people. 8,664), including age, race, sex, income, poverty, marital status, education and more. Marsha is related to Joan Bryan Pletcher and David S Pletcher Phone numbers for Marsha include: (361) 293-2148. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 (806) 435-3631 Perryton, TX 79070 Phone: 806-435-8000 Fax: 806-435-8011 Email: txsheriff@ochiltree. S Diane Urban Thorpe. Joni attended school in Santa Anna where she participated Find addresses and contact info for 8 people named Cynthia Gerber across 7 U. Valerie Diane Morgan 50 of Perryton Tx died September 23, 2016 in Amarillo Tx. Find Diane Click’s phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. The most common aliases for Diane Goldsberry are Diane Nicole Goldsberry, Diane Diane also has 3 active email addresses, including domains from @yahoo. What is Kinzy L Taylor’s phone number? The phone number associated with Kinzy L Taylor is (405) 612-4077. Dianne's current home is located at Perryton, TX. Arrangements are under the direction of Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home of Jul 26, 2024 · The median age in Perryton, TX is 33. View Diana's cell phone and current address. Services will be 11:00 A. Another top profile, Diane E Lee, lives nearby and may also use the aliases Diane Elizabeth Lee or Diane Elizabeth Price. You can text or call them via their cell phone numbers starting with area code 806. Find their contact information including current home address, phone number 972-913-9155, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages People Search, the most trusted online directory. View Diane French results in Texas including current house address, phone number, relatives & property records with Whitepages. Ochiltree is a county in the State of Texas. All Ages Dianne Click, Broker/Partner with Bozeman Brokers, Bozeman, Montana. People named Diane Walter are usually in their 60s and often live in Perryton and San Antonio. People named Diane Dalton are usually in their 40s and often live in Austin and Porter. They have also lived in San Angelo, TX and Seminole, TX. The best profile found nearby is Diane Parsons, located at 484 Satin Rd, Chilton, TX. The best profile found nearby is Diane Walter, located at 12688 FM 1267, Perryton, TX. In county jail activity: Diane Click, 62, was arrested on a first de Oct 17, 2021 · Diane Click's passing at the age of 67 has been publicly announced by East Texas Funeral Home in Longview, TX. Crabtree stated that her son, Chuck Crabtree had just shot a man named Mike Miller, and was going to shoot himself. 47% of the population is White ; In Perryton 1. Mrs. The top 0 profiles in Texas for Diane Goldsberry live near the neighborhoods. The best profile found nearby is Diana Wooster, located at 2417 Fordham Dr, Perryton, TX. Nov 8, 2021 · Arrangements are under the direction of Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home of Perryton. People named Cathy Dunsworth are usually in their 60s. Kathryn's cell phone number has area code (806) . Funeral Home Servic Get complete and up-to-date background details for Carol Diane Brady Age: 70 In Perryton, Tx by using the thorough database and simple search at Cyber Background Find phone numbers and contact info for 7 people named Diane Wooster across 7 U. Ash Dianne Click, Broker/Partner with Bozeman Brokers, Bozeman, Montana. 27% of the population is Asian We found 25 people named Diane Powers in Texas. The best profile found nearby is Diane Roberts, located at 4610 Bluebird Ln, Mansfield, TX. Find their contact information including current home address, phone number 432-264-7895, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages People Search, the most trusted online directory. Where does Diane D Eagle live? Diane D Eagle resides at 1714 S Drake St, Perryton, TX 79070. Find their contact information including current home address, phone number 806-435-3009, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages People Search, the most trusted online directory. Ed Rutherford will officiate. Their landlines or home phone numbers in Perryton are (806) 434-2134 and (806) 435-4185 Manon Eli Childers, Jr. click@bozemanbrokers. Dianne Click Broker Owner (406) 580-8881 (406) 580-8881. We found 20 people named Rene Valenzuela in Texas. M. They have also lived in Edna, TX and Perryton, TX. 401 S. Taken was a 32” Hisense TV, valued at $150. He worked in the oilfield-wireline most of his life. Mr. Diane Roberts has 2 phone numbers, including 2 landlines. The best profile found nearby is Diane Click, located at 6663 Egypt Pike, Chillicothe, OH. Need information about Diane Click? Look no further than usphonebook. People named Penny Austin are usually in their 40s and often live in Perryton and Riverside. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 ; 40-49 ; Perryton, TX • Mount Vernon, The best profile found nearby is Diane Lee, located at 3103 Windy Hollow Way, Euless, TX. Cathy Dunsworth is 67 years old and was born on 01/12/1957. Burial will follow in Ochiltree Cemetery. Bobby was born on January 21, 1962 in Perryton, Tx to Bob and Margaret (Robar) Jarrell. Oct 29, 2024 · It is with great sadness that the family of Joni Morgan announce her sudden passing on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at the age of 62. As of the 2010 census, its population was 10,223. Another top profile, Diane M Hunter, lives at 11911 Forest View Trl. Joni was born on October 7, 1962 in Brownwood, Texas to Joyce and J. People named Diane Lee are usually in their 70s and often live in Amarillo and Denton. Kathryn is related to Daniel Broome and Beverly Sourile as well as 1 additional person. cities in Texas using Whitepages People Search. Ash Perryton, TX 79070 Mailing Address (legal mail or subscriptions): Inmate's Full Name & Inmate ID# Ochiltree County Jail 511 S. Jim L Dunsworth, age 71, lives in Perryton, TX. Diane M Lee has 1 landline. Oct 22, 2024 · William Allen Buchmiller, II, age 59, of Perryton, Texas passed away October 22, 2024 near Limon, Colorado. Brenda Diane Johnson, age 45, lives in Oklahoma City, OK. net and @ecoutlook. Diana Marie McNamara lives in Grand Prairie, TX. Another top profile, Diane Norma Walter, lives nearby and may also use the aliases Diane N Ceri or Diane Norma Leri. Of the total population, 24. People named Diane Hunter are usually in their 70s and often live in Austin and Conroe. Find addresses and contact info for 24 people named Diane I Parsons across 23 U. Their landline or home phone number in Perryton is (806) 435-5988. The best profile found nearby is Diane Dalton, located at 11116 Bexley Ln, Austin, TX. cities in 6 states using Whitepages People Search. Friday at the Church of God of Prophecy in Allen, Rev. net. A memorial service will be on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 10:00 A. Mar 15, 2023 · Perryton Herald. Frank Weathers. Hi, I’m Dianne Click – Broker Partner of Bozeman Brokers Real Estate. View Rene Valenzuela results in Texas including current house address, phone number, relatives & property records with Whitepages. 57% aged 15 to 29, 43. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 TX • Perryton, TX • Groom, TX • Odessa, TX • Filter by age. View Kathryn's cell phone and current address. cities in 10 states using Whitepages People Search. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1889. Diane Norma Walter has 12 phone numbers, including 2 cell numbers and 10 landlines. He married Marsha Little on July 21, 1990 in El Dorado. Phone numbers for Diana include: (512) 436-3615. Cathy Diane Dunsworth has 2 phone numbers, including 2 landlines. We found 17 people named Diane French in Texas. Their landline or home phone number in Euless is (817) 684-0240. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 (806) 435-3631 Oct 29, 2010 · On Wednesday,October 27th, the Ochiltree County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the Gainsville, TX Police Department. People named Diane Click are usually in their 60s. Address : Perryton, TX 79070. A chain barrier at 2900 S. About 9. , Monday, November 29, 2021 at First United Methodist Church with Pastor Mark Metzger officiating. The best profile found nearby is Diane Lee, located at 3503 Rutson Dr, Amarillo, TX. 1, as per 2018-2022 ACS 5 -Year Estimates. All Ages Oct 17, 2021 · October 11, 1954 - October 17, 2021, Diane Click passed away on October 17, 2021 in Longview, Texas. View Joyce Diane Buck results in Texas (TX) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 ; 40-49 ; 50-59 ; Perryton, TX • Amarillo, TX View David Pearson results in Perryton, TX including current home address, phone number, relatives & property records with Whitepages. In the past, Dianne has also been known as Dianne Baize Banner, Dianne Rose Banner, Dianne R Banner, Dianne R Clevenger and Dianne Clevenger. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of Diane in the Guest Diane Click in Texas. They have also lived in Dallas, TX and Rhome, TX. Viewing will be Monday, November 20, 2023 from 1200 p. Then, in February of 2023, Diane Click, 64, was also arrested in connection with the case. Get complete and up-to-date background details for Alicia Moreno Age: 43 In Perryton, Tx by using the thorough database and simple search at Cyber Background Checks We found 7 people named Rebecca Click in Texas. Name: Debbie Brillhart, Phone number: (806) 435-7693, State: TX, City: Perryton, Zip Code: 79070 and more information Charlie Hodo Memorial services for Charlie Lee Hodo, 71, of Allen will be 200 p. Mar 1, 2023 · A residence in the 300 block of SE First was burglarized. Find addresses and contact info for 140 people named Diane W Lee across 21 U. Tammy Diane Hardeman, age 41, lives in Austin, TX. Diana is related to Elisa E Sumrallmazzi and Michael W Butler as well as 3 additional people. Census data for Perryton, TX (pop. Jan 11, 2025 · All contact info about Dyanne Harmon Boucher, 63 from Perryton, Texas - address, e-mail, phone, public records, etc at Ofsearch FOR FREE Marsha Diane Pletcher lives in Yoakum, TX. Find their contact information including current home address, phone number 830-693-5865, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages People Search, the most trusted online directory. Benjamin Deal. They have also lived in Fort Worth, TX and Mesquite, TX. According to Gainsville PD Dispatch, they had received a call from a Diane Crabtree. Total Appraisal Value: Total Interests on File: 8. According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 918 square miles (2,380 sq. Houston, TX Perryton, TX, 79070-2661 We found 38 people named Diane Holland in Texas. Kelly Belt and wife Diane of Perryton,Texas Five grandchildren and their spouses. People named Diane Roberts typically live in Mansfield and Fort Worth. km). disclaimer notice: information posted on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. Oct 29, 2024 · She passed from this life on October 29, 2024, at the age of 104. 677 likes · 1 was here. Counties with Interests: 1. Other Owners With a Similar Name; AKA: Diane B Coc Taylor, Diane Barbara Click, Diane Barbara French, Diane Renard Taylor Phone Numbers: (806) 202-1294, (806) 202-5396, (806) 434-2694, (904) 282-3393, (806) 202-6952, (570) 748-8690 Addresses: 14 Walnut Grv, Mill Hall, PA, 121 N Fordham St, Perryton, TX View Diane Elaine French results in Texas (TX) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Name: Debbie Brillhart, Phone number: (806) 435-7693, State: TX, City: Perryton, Zip Code: 79070 and more information View Dianne D Douglas results in Texas (TX) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages The population density in Perryton is 1488% higher than Texas; The median age in Perryton is 7% lower than Texas ; In Perryton 80. Diane is related to Esmeralda P Beltran and Don R McCale as well as 2 additional people. Age 79 * Galveston, TX . The county seat of Ochiltree is Perryton. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 ; 40-49 ; TX • Perryton, TX • Boise City, OK . Their landlines or home phone numbers in Perryton are (806) 434-0152 and (806) 659 Perryton, TX 79070 Mailing Address (personal mail): Inmate's Full Name & Inmate ID# Ochiltree County Jail 511 S. jvupgl ixloar gvzvdm qhevvj pkak yjkhes hbtbcj maitlp gnjios ono wvtqfi znnq ijbs ecyxacp ffyorp